VIDEO & PODCAST – 20th ANNIVERSARY OF GOOD NEWS BROADCAST & GOOD NEWS PLANET JULY 4TH. Dear Friends, We are so honored to have shared the Good News of over 5,000 stories representing over 100 million since July 4 , 1998. Our 20th Anniversary is a celebration for the Good in the World. Here is some of our accomplishments that we share with you and a video of WHAT IS PEACE FOR PAUL SLADKUS.
Welcome to our spiritual community! We live in harmony with nature amongst our animal and plant kingdom. What makes the world special is our people who live in here and enjoy it with friends old and new and family.,. and nature. We are excited about our new carousel on our website, please watch it.
Peace. Love and Harmony is at the heart of life. We are proud to announce our up-coming movie release. Our trailer will be shown in Times Square (Father Duffy Park 47th/Broadway Billboard) on Friday September 21st at 12 noon. Please come to be part of our Peace Day Event, strengthening the message of the UN and the 193 countries that unanimously approved the International Day of Peace. Please go to our website and join us.
Our movie, Woodstock Forever: Peace, Love and Harmony – What Does Peace Mean to YOU? incorporates our 20th Anniversary of Woodstock Event that our company, Milestone Broadcast Corporation (MBC) did in 1989 in Times Square (Father Duffy Park 47th/Broadway). Additional content will come from our www.goodnewsplanet.TV interviews asking 1000’s of people What Does Peace Mean to Them?, peace and love classic songs that the audience can sign and dance to, Movies/TV Shows/Books that share peace and love. Woodstock Forever, is an up-lifting, thought provoking movie to show the Good in the world. MBC believes, and shares this message, that more than the majority of the world lives in peace and love.
As I write this column today on June 20 for the July issue of the wonderful Montauk Sun, it is the UN International Day for YOGA. YOGA mean one. Here are some thoughts on life to ponder. www.goodnewsplanet.TV share “Thoughts for the Day” are posted on our website and social networks every day, please visit us.
“I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief.
And I believe that love is stronger than death.” – Robert Fulghum
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” – Albert Einstein
“Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.” – Jack Ma
“The Most Beautiful Things In The World Can Not Be Seen, But Felt With The Heart.” – Helen Keller
Paul and the Good News and Peace Team
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