A Mystical and Educational 2012 Tour to the Magical Land of The Ancient
▲Mayans Civilization.▲
“The Magic of the Most Extensive Ancient Sites and
Wonders of The Mayans Civilization will Awaken Your Inner Powers.”
This Tour to the Ancient Land of the Mayans in Mexico have been Programmed for this special period of “2012” the Summer of July 20th to July 29th, 2012 at Hotel Okaan located in the jungle of Chichen Itza, near the mysterious pyramids. It is designed to channel the ancient Mayan wisdom and powerful light energy for your benefit while providing you with holistic experience to your mind, your spirit and your body. More than just a peaceful and appealing place, Oka’an’s green campus in nestled in the midst of the mystical energy that supports transformation and initiation.
Please see below a powerful 5 minutes video presentation about the Chichen Itza
“Okaan’s Soul Spaces – Mayan Cultural Center.”
Okaan’s Soul Spaces