A Benefit to Save Lives in the Fight Against Meningitis, a Vaccine-Preventable Disease, Honorary Chairs Ambassador John L. Loeb, Jr. & Nick Springer; Gala Chairs Gary Springer & Sara Herbert-Galloway; Vice Chairs, Lenore Cooney, Cooney/Waters Group; Barry J. Klarberg Monarch Wealth & Business Management. Honorees are Bart and Michelle Oates, New York Giants Football Legend & Advocates for Pediatric Medical Research, NMA’s, Children’s Advocacy Award; James C. Turner, M.D. Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Virginia NMA’s Health Achievement Award; iconic actor Richard Thomas will receive NMA’s Nancy Ford Springer Inspiration Award for his long standing support of NMA and pianist Chau-GiangThi Ngugen (Chosan Nguyen) will receive NMA’s International Ambassador for Education Through Music Award. New York Athletic Club, 180 Central Park South, New York 10019; Cocktails & Silent Auction 6:30pm followed by Dinner & the NMA Awards. Master of Ceremonies is two-time Tony Award winner James Naughton who will also perform. This signature fundraising event will help NMA continue and expand its vital work in the fight against meningitis
Honorary Committee includes Michael Badalucco, Lynn Grossman & Bob Balaban, Steve Buscemi, Chau-Giang Thi Nguyen, U.S, Senator Susan Collins, Judy & Rod Gilbert, Adam Graves, Brian Grazer, Amy Madigan & Ed Harris, Lainie Kazan, Felicity Huffman William H. Macy, Congressman Michael Michaud, Congresswoman Shelly Pingree & Heather Randall, Susan Sarandon, Joe Sirola, U.S. Senator Olympia J. Snowe & Liv Ullman.
Medical Committee includes Richard Besser, ABC News; Paul Offit M.D. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Nancy Snyderman, M.D.NBC News; Dr. Roger W. Yurt Chief of Burn Surgery, NY Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell Medical Center
Committee members include Norma Abbene, Jeri Acosta, Tomaczek Bednarek, Eileen Boyle, Lynn Bozof, Peggy & Mike Bressler ,Affiliated Accent, Elizabeth Browning, Lori & Curt Buher, Terry M. & J. Price Corr, Rita Cosby, Joanna Goldenstein, Jeri Greenwell, Lucia Hwong Gordon, Marcie L. Kammel Jam/Kammel, Matt Klarberg, Monarch Wealth & Business Management, Nikki Klarberg, Josh Klein, Monarch Wealth & Business Management, Jeffrey Kramer, Donna & Michael Laforgia, Bonnie Comley & Stewart F. Lane, Lucy Jane Lang, Marian Koltai-Levine & Dan Levine, Keddakai & James Lipton Corcoran Group Real Estate & The Actors Studio. Steve Mack, S D Mack Pictures, Barbara & Earl Magdovitz. Leslie Maier, Sherri Michelstein, Alembic Health Communications, Ulrika “Red” Nilson, Susan & Peter Purdy, Errol Rappaport, Steven B. Tanger, Tanger Factory Outlet Centers Inc. and Les Walgreen.
Leadership Packages: HEROES FOR TOMORROW: Four Tables of Ten, Top VIP Seating & Listing in Scroll of Honor $100,000; LIFE AMBASSADORS: Three Tables of Ten, VIP Seating & Listing in Scroll of Honor $75,000; CHILDREN’S CHAMPIONS: Two Tables of Ten, VIP Seating & Listing in Scroll of Honor $50,000; GUARDIANS OF LIFE: Table of Ten, VIP Seating & Listing in Scroll of Honor $25,000; PATRONS OF HOPE: Table of Ten & VIP Listing in Scroll of Honor $15,000; YOUTH BENEFACTORS: Table of Ten & Premier Listing in Scroll of Honor $10,000; Humanitarians for Health: 4 Tickets & Premier Listing in Scroll of Honor, $5,000; WELLNESS SPONSORS: 2 Tickets & Premier Listing in Scroll of Honor $2,500; Ticket & Friend Listing in Scroll of Honor $1,000 & One Ticket, $500
For Leadership Packages, Sponsorships and tickets contact Susan Shattuck/ Laurie Krotman, Special Events Unlimited, 212-244-7333 or email gala@nmaus.org For more information about NMA’s life-saving work please visit www.nmaus.org.
Nice, Very Nice!!