National Survey Finds Adults Acting Like Babies When It Comes to Getting Their Shots! Dr. William Schaffner with the Latest News On Vaccines, Advice on What Shot Adults Need Most, and Why the CDC is So Worried According to the CDC, adults unnecessarily risk blistering rashes, chronic pain, flu, fever, long hospital stays and high medical bills: 1. The flu sends more than 200,000 people to the hospital each year and kills more than 35,000.2. 5,000 Americans die every year from pneumonia.3. Shingles causes an excruciatingly painful rash that can lead to chronic nerve pain.4. The violent cough associated with pertussis (whooping cough) can be bad enough to break a rib.5. HPV causes cervical cancer which can be deadly.Vaccines are available to prevent or reduce the risk of these diseases, yet adults overwhelmingly ignore them! Immunizations during adulthood are recommended by the CDC for more than a dozen diseases, yet a recent CDC survey found adult immunization rates woefully low. In addition, a recent survey by the National Foundation of Infectious Diseases (NFID) found that most adults have trouble even naming diseases that they might be able to prevent by getting vaccinated. Dr. William Schaffner, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and a well-known expert in the fields of vaccines and infectious disease, is available to inform your viewers about the many vaccines that are available to adults and when they need to get them. According to Dr. Schaffner, childhood vaccinations have saved hundreds of thousands of lives in the U.S., but vaccines aren’t just for kids. It’s time for adults to roll up their sleeves!Dr. Schnaffer also notes that although not all the diseases you can be vaccinated against will kill you, most can be extremely painful or flare up with no warning. And when the usual childhood diseases occur in adults, the effects can be devastating. This interview is provided by Merck & Co., Inc.