Dr. Dick Versendaal is a master chiropractor who studied under and was mentored by BJ Palmer. He is an absolute genius of the synergy between the spine, organs, systems, and nutritional chemistry. Over the past 50 years he has researched, developed, and refined the subtle-energy technique called Contact Reflex Analysis. With CRA one can determine the root cause of a health issue. The cause may be emotional, nutritional, structural, or a combination of the three. Once the cause has been established, CRA can assist in determining most efficient and effective means of resolving the problem.
With CRA Dr. Dick Versendaal continues to care for and selflessly serve thousands of people worldwide. He has devoted his entire life to restoring hope to those who have none, and educating health professionals to do the same through, Contact Reflex Analysis. His seminars are dynamic, engaging, and inspiring. They are offered around the country and open to all health professionals.
For a list of seminar locations, go to the website www.CRAwellness.com.
If you know in your heart that with the right tools, education and guidance from a master, you would help more people seeking your expertise, then you owe it to yourself and your community to attend this seminar.