GUEST: David Leopold – President, American Immigration Lawyers Association
For years, Americans and our elected leaders have been in agreement that the immigration system is outdated and failing to meet our countrys needs. Every American business, community, and family is affected by the shortcomings of this system, which regulates the flow of foreign workers, students, and family members to our country. Each year that policymakers fail to recast these laws is another year that families cannot reunite with their loved ones, businesses cannot hire the workers they need, and people enter the United States unlawfully because there is no viable system for them to enter lawfully. Moreover the U.S. Government misses billions of dollars in potential tax revenue each year. Our economy and our communities are worse off. People are growing frustrated that Congress and the President have not fixed this intractable problem.
AILA urges that we pursue policies that serve the interests of all workers, and that Congress roll up its sleeves and find a solution. Tougher enforcement can be done to ensure proper workplace standards, including fair wage and overtime requirements, safety and health and other labor laws, but within a smart and workable immigration reform policy.
David Leopold, President of The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) will be available to address immigration issues, including: how the outcome of mid-term elections may affect government immigration reform; current statistics on the number of legal/illegal immigrants currently residing in the US; and proposals on how immigrants can earn legal status/workers rights.
For more information, go to
More About David Leopold:
David W. Leopold, AILAs President, practices immigration law with a focus on employment- and family-based immigration, removal defense and federal court litigation in Cleveland, Ohio. He has been a member of AILAs Board of Governors and his past AILA positions include treasurer, secretary, chair of the ICE liaison committee, chair of the due process committee, and Ohio chapter chair.