Day 550 Our Umbilical Cord Wind ESE 25 knots, Course SW, Speed 4 to 5 knots, Position 15*25s by 104*29w Our course goes in and out of the baby whale through the still attached umbilical cord. I am sailing south as spring begins in the southern hemisphere. I think the cold north flowing Humboldt Current influences the weather here because it has been quite cool ,rough and windy for months. Outside I open my mouth for a minute and it sounds like a deep flute when the wind blows in it. As I prepare to sail out of the drawing, the whales stay in my dreams and influence me symbolically. Their endearing, enduring pure qualities are good for me and they seem to help and give encouragement to go on with out fear. They are like omens of protection symbolizing achievement against all odds. I feel it is an honor to humanity to have them appear to us in this surprising way. It is more than about saving the whales. It is about saving all living things and the planet. We are all connected. This individual experience effects the collective connective umbilical cord. Ride Captain ride on your mystery ship. Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip . I am not alone thanks to the whales, the birds, the fish, my friends and loved ones. Save the Whales The Sea Shepherd Organization .. guided by The United Nations World Charter for Nature is the only organization whose mission is to enforce these international regulations on the high seas..”> > I don’t have access to the internet, but I hear they have gone to the ends of the earth and gotten between the whalers and the whales hindering the hunting. What a bold dangerous, honorable undertaking! I also hear Greenpeace is actively trying to save the whales.