The Good News is that there is Good News everywhere. When I look inside my soul I see the beauty of myself and am appreciative of what I have. With this feeling I am open to the bliss that is around me. For me being alive, healthy along with friends and family and people of the world that I can try to help is the Good News, I even have a roof over my head and some water to drink. I have it made and thank my lucky stars daily. I got out of bed, I had a bed and basically I like me. I have my; I wish I was xxxxx list, and the should of’ s and could of’ s, and why ME? And so on, but they are minor to the big good news – that I am alive and well. I even have tomorrow or later today to create a new world, or as they say the past is history, the future is a mystery and today is a present and that is why they call it a PRESENT!