According to a new survey, nearly all American women (92 percent) report that they are trying to bring better food choices into their homes, yet two-thirds agree that they sometimes find it difficult to introduce more wholesome foods into their diet and their familys diet. Additionally, the majority of women (88 percent) agree that they wish there were more on-the-go wholesome food options out there. Dont Judge a Food By Its Cover! The survey also revealed that 57 percent of women report that they read the nutritional label frequently when shopping for food. Yet, its not just the fat and calorie content that can be important when it comes to making food choices. The ingredient list tells a more complete story by revealing what’s in the food we eat. Only two out of five women surveyed say they frequently read the ingredients lists in the foods they eat, with one-third reporting that they determine the wholesome value of a product by looking at the front of the package. Andrea Beaman can provide three easy tips to help you get on the wholesome track: Understand your food. Read the ingredients list on the packaging, not just the nutrition facts. The more you know about the foods you’re consuming, the more informed choices you can make. Get back to basics. Choose foods with pure, simple ingredients. Select fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables when theyre in season and have the most satisfying taste and texture. Take it slow. Switching to a simple, wholesome diet doesnt have to happen overnight. Set easily attainable goals and begin by making small changes in your food choices over time. About Andrea Beaman, from Bravos” Top Chef” Andrea Beaman is a natural foods chef and holistic health counselor accredited with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. She is a graduate of The Kushi Institute and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where she currently teaches. Andrea is dedicated to spreading knowledge about how people can reclaim their health and look and feel their absolute best. Educating people about health-promoting foods is her specialty and she offers guidance toward achieving better health, and ideal weight in an easy and fun way! Andrea is most known as a featured contestant on BRAVO’s Top Chef. She is also the author of her self-published book, The Whole Truth How I Naturally Reclaimed My Health, and her follow-up cookbook, The Whole Truth Eating and Recipe Guide. Her third book Nourished in a New York Minute, Timesaving Tips, Quick and Easy Meals and other Lifestyle Strategies is set to be released late 2007.