Listen to “ARE MITES REALLY LIVING IN OUR EYELASHES? Surprising Signs that‘ Mite’ Send You to The Eye Doctor!” on Spreaker.

Do you struggle with eyelid redness, crusties, missing lashes, itching or eyelid inflammation? If yes – you may be one of the millions of Americans living with a common but often misdiagnosed eyelid disease called Demodex blepharitis (DB)!
Demodex blepharitis is an eyelid disease caused by an infestation of microscopic mites.1 When these mites overpopulate, they can cause discomfort and irritation. In fact, 50% of patients with Demodex blepharitis reported their eyes itched frequently or all the time.2 It’s estimated that approximately 25 million eye care patients in the U.S. are affected by this disease1 — that’s 1 out of every 12 adults!
Don’t like the idea of tiny critters living on your eyelids? The diagnosis is easy and can be confirmed through a routine eye exam with an optometrist or ophthalmologist. When left untreated, Demodex blepharitis can leave you more prone to other eye-related diseases. 3
Fortunately, there are treatment options available to help target and kill mites.
Join leading optometrist, Cory Lappin who can discuss the importance of eye health, including how an eye exam can reveal common eyelid diseases like Demodex blepharitis and shed light on other serious health problems.
#corylappin #eyedoctor #optometrist #demodexblepharitis