By Acharya Shunya
Demystifying the Ancient Health Balancing System for All of the Rest of Us!
Most of us know of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian spiritual and healing wisdom, is that some people swear by its restorative impact, it has something to do with botanicals and there are a growing number of practitioners and products that adhere to it today. Otherwise, it’s pretty much a mystery.
But if you happen to pick up a copy of Acharya Shunya’s new book Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom: A Complete Prescription to Optimize Your Health, Prevent Disease, and Live with Vitality and Joy (Sounds True, Feb. 2017), the veil of mystery will be lifted and you will absolutely understand how this is something you can do for yourself to not only obtain optimal health, but to heal many of the illness and conditions that have plagued you.
Acharya Shunya (Acharya is a title bestowed on a master of this art and science, Shunya is her name), is a woman who stands between two worlds. Her lineage of Ayuveda sacred teachers and masters goes back centuries, and yet she feels it is her sacred duty and honor to put this knowledge into the hands of everyone today, especially people who have sought answers in modern medicine, but need to find another way.
Learning Ayuveda on the knee of her beloved grandfather, who was revered throughout India, Acharya Shunya has become one of the leading American practitioners and advocates. She is the founder of Vedika Global, a spiritual foundation dedicated to elevating consciousness, building community, and serving humanity by illuminating India’s Vedic spiritual traditions of Ayurveda, yoga, and Vedanta. She was named among the 100 Ayurveda and Yoga Trailblazers by Spirituality and Health magazine and is president of the California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine.
What Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom provides is a “do-able” approach to this time-tested methodology and an understanding of how the natural forces are constantly at play with the inner forces that impact our level of energy, digestive ease or dis-ease, mental alertness, weight gain and specific health conditions. She makes it simple to see how what you do and eat or drink at specific times each day will profoundly affect your level of wellness. And what you can do to transform your health and mental outlook by following her simple guidelines.
Furthermore, this narrative-based guidebook meticulously covers the how-to’s of morning and evening self-care, daily contemplations, self-massage and skin care, cooking (including recipes), beauty rituals, and more.
Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom combines beautiful and charming reminiscences of enlightened learning at the knees of a beloved master, client case histories, an easy-to grasp understand of Ayurveda’s basic teachings and practical advice. Audio Player