Primetime Television & CBS Podcast Host speaks to Good News at the C-Suite Network Conference.
The event was a businessman’s/woman’s dream event. Paul Sladkus get a few moments to speak to Jeff. Additionally, Good News shares Michael Rossato- Bennett presentation with his new invention ( that will make seniors life more pleasant with their new audio invention. We also speak to two attendees Jayne Latz and Jared who interview each other. A great events and let’s not forget the musicians!
They had a full roster including the Chairman, Time Inc. — Counsel General of Ireland — CMO of CDW — CEO of Clear Channel — and a lot more on the stage and in the audience— it just got better and more powerful!
The event began Monday night with a cocktail reception at 5:30 pm where a dozen best-selling business authors were on hand to share their books and wisdom. Then, Tuesday was a full day of C-Suite programming, including TV interviews with some of the biggest and most innovative businesses leaders today.