By: C.A. Lee
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Americans are appalled at the downward shift in American culture and distressed with their government as they see the country they love slipping into the abyss. They instinctively sense the dangers, but cannot define why the shift has occurred or why the country has suffered such a declination. Shifting Culture outlines why we should be terrified, who is at fault, and how to reverse the damage.
C.A. Lee shares Good News about Shifting Culture.
People who read Shifting Culture: Revival, Revolution or Ruin will:
• Finally understand why societal changes have debased our culture, our faith, and our country.
• Be able to easily follow the timeline of events that have caused the shift in our culture, along with the underlying evil, its power and purpose that threatens every American and the country.
• In totality be infuriated at the abuse, corruption, and treasonous acts of those placed in power to protect and defend the Constitution.
• Understand what is at stake and the urgency of taking action before it is too late. Shifting Culture: Revival, Revolution or Ruin, arms Americans with the not so politically correct truth from someone just like them — an ordinary American who isn’t afraid to speak out. Targeted consumers will:
• Reconnect with the power and beauty of our heritage and our Constitution; arm the reader with knowledge, which gives them courage to demand reform.
• Refresh the reader’s basic civic understanding and inform them of crucial information not taught in school.
• Be released from the stranglehold of misinformation, innuendo, and blatant lies.
• Find a renewed patriotism and desire to participate in our self-governing republic.
Shifting Culture lays out five critical facets required for the revival and restoration of American culture: faith, citizen involvement, common sense, unbiased media, and statesmen, which are requisite to combating the evil that is real and persuasive in the United States, and are presented in five parts as follows:
1. In Part I, the reader will be reintroduced to a timeline of American history, the Courageous 56 who signed the Declaration of Independence, and the founding principles that shaped the United States.
2. Part II, discusses the original intent of our government, the importance of our responsibilities, how Americans have been lied to, and displays the constitutional timeline of events with “as written” historical documents.
3. Throughout Part III, the reader will be strengthened from a renewed faith, the goodness of the United States, and why they should be proud of their country.
4. Part IV, details the importance of statesmen, the new political parties, and the media malfunction. The counsel of Presidents offers insights that the American people have ignored.
5. From Part V, the reader will be armed with truth, knowledge, and a renewed patriotism. With common sense and decency on their side, the reader will make their choices from a suggested plan of action and/or the Covenant with the American People to revive the country, prevent a revolution or the ruin of this great nation.
Interwoven throughout Shifting Culture and designated with specific symbols for the ease of the reader are disturbing trails of power and greed, constitutional treachery, deceit, and treasonous acts. The majority of Americans are not aware of these controversial issues that will frighten and enrage them.
Money is not only the root of all evil; it is the means to an end. Readers will follow the trail of the money changers that has been woven into the timeline and throughout Shifting Culture. When viewed as history unfolds, it makes a compelling case of how Americans were deceived in order to accomplish an agenda that has continuously adapted over time.
? Questions? As the powerful and influential politicians, government officials, and judges were bought and bribed, constitutional fraud was committed. The questions cause the reader to think about their future decisions.
Stars represent citizenship – the citizenship that has been stolen from the American people. The reader will learn how it happened and what to do about the problem.
What gave you the idea to write this book?
Quite honestly, I couldn’t keep quiet any longer. Speaking to groups and writing blogs and op-ed pieces wasn’t enough. I felt there was a need to “kick-start” citizens into action through patriotism, basic information, renewed interest in our history, the realization that there is good and evil in this world, and to debunk the political and media control over us.
I wrote Shifting Culture because I had too many unanswered questions. Speaking with others, I found that they too wanted answers. What our children are taught in school, the proffered pandering by politicians, and the progressive media mush have contributed to the shifting of our culture. If we lose our culture, we lose our country.
Finally, I wrote Shifting Culture because it needed to be written. Most political opinion books address a few issues, a party or candidate, but they do not tie it all together. An ordinary citizen needed to say to the power brokers, politicians, and media that the American people know what you are doing and we intend to stop it dead in its tracks or die trying.
Why are you exactly the right person to write a book on this subject?
I am exactly the right person to write this book! Shifting Culture is written from a great-grandmother’s perspective. This is my country and I’m proud of her and horrified at the evil that shrouds the basic common sense and decency of our people. We have been lied to and manipulated by the media, the federal government, politicians on both sides of the aisle along with their supporters, handlers, and the powerful money changers.
Why shouldn’t an ordinary citizen stand up and say, “Enough is enough,” and this is what we need to do to stop the cultural shift in our country? That’s part of the problem. Most citizens do not get involved. If my Lee ancestors had taken that attitude, we would still be under the control of the English. This “Nana” does not sugarcoat any of the issues and lays out the drastic measures needed to prevent a revolution or the ruin of this great country.
What in your book do you consider “newsworthy”?
Shifting Culture calls for the immediate revival of citizen involvement in order to prevent a revolution, which will save the United States from ruin or from being devoured by a larger governmental power. Shifting Culture demands repeal of the Fourteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Amendments to the Constitution, along with other massive changes to be enacted by Congress as outlined in the Covenant with the American People.
Shifting Culture is demanding deportation of all illegal aliens.
The timeline of events in Shifting Culture exposes clearly that the American people have been duped and that drastic problems call for immediate reform. The American people have been led like sheep to the slaughterhouse through treasonous corruption and abuse.
Shifting Culture is placing Congress on notice that the People will demand their States to intervene in order to accomplish that which Congress refuses to do. By the power under Article V of the Constitution whereby the States may amend the Constitution without the consent of Congress or the President, Congress is placed on notice that we don’t need them.
What is the Good News?
The United States is a great country and we can make a difference in our culture and in the future of our country. It takes involvement, research, and common sense.
We must restore our rights and our Constitution through a revival of our faith and values and demand explicit reform from our rulers in the federal government.