The members of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church have taken on a one-day solidarity fast with the Muslim community who are celebrating the month of Ramadan.
Muslims celebrate the month of Ramadan with a 30-day fast. Muslims believe that the Qur’an, the Word of God for Muslims, was revealed by God to the prophet Mohammed during the month of Ramadan. The revelation began during the final days of Ramadan which are considered the most sacred period of the month.
The members of St. Peter’s Church were told about the manner of the Muslim fast: they rise early in the morning before sunrise for a meal and then they do not eat or drink from sunrise until sunset.
The fast is broken at sunset with a festive meal called an Iftar. Muslims also engage in additional works of charity, spend more time in prayer and read the entire Qur’an during the month.
The Episcopal Church requires its members to fast on Ash Wednesday, the first day of the season of Lent, and on Good Friday, the day they celebrate the death of Jesus. That fast can take one of two forms — no food or drink is taken from early morning until 3 p.m. the traditional hour of the death of Jesus Christ. The fast is then broken with a simple meal in the late afternoon or evening. The second option is to take two very small meals and a larger meal and no eating or drinking between meals.
The members of the church are invited to observe either a fast in either the Muslim or Christian tradition during Ramadan.