The event commemorated the 10th anniversary and honored CSDL co-founder Henry Buhl and Alan Weeden and included cocktails, a reception and program.
The CSDL is working to protect the identity of every American. On September 11, 2011, 19 terrorists employed driver’s licenses when boarding airplanes they used as flying bombs. When authorities later revealed the terrorists carried at least 33 driver’s licenses between them, the Coalition for a Secure Driver’s Lincense was formed.
By Leah
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach addressed American identity, national security and driver’s licenses ten years after 9/11 during the program. Kris Kobach is the 31st Secretary of State for Kansas. Prior to his election, Secretary Kobach was a Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Missouri – Kansas City for 15 years and served as a policy advisor to former United States Attorney John Ashcroft. Secretary Kobach earned his bachelor of arts degree from Harvard University, a doctorate in political science from Oxford Universary and a Juris Doctorate from Yale Law School. He has since published two books and numerous articles.
The host committee included Cynthia and John Whitehead, Donald M. Kendall, Gregory T. Angelo, Jennifery Bandier, Neil Boyarsky, the Honorable Sue W. Kelly, Dr. Herbert London, Dr. Betsy McCaughey and Donald Tober.
Opening remarks and introduction of the speaker were given by Brian Zimmer, President of CSDL, and Chief Administrator Ray Martinez of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission presented unique New Jersey License plates to Henry Buhl and Alan Weeden.
The organizers thanked the guests for supporting the CSDL and their efforts to secure the identity of each American by strengthening driver’s license and state issued ID rules. State and federal policy makers, members of the press and other stakeholders rely on CSDL’s publications for their more than ten years of expertise and non-partisan analysis of state identity document rules.
CSDL is a national non-profit organization generating public awareness of the link between weak driver’s license rules and the ease with which terrorists and criminals can obtain false identities. CSDL is non-partisan, with an office and staff located in Washington, DC, and more than 6,000 members/donors nationwide. For more information please visit www.secure-license.org.
(source: Coalition for a Secure Driver’s License)