The basic pretext for this project was to communicate in a creative manner the concept of representing spoken language in a visual manner. Cued Speech perfectly mirrors spoken language in a way that grants full and unfettered access to those who have little to no hearing. With that kind of access, children can gain literacy skills through exactly the same processes as their peers, except through visual communication.
Since Cued Speech was strategically developed to remove the ambiguity from speech reading by differentiating lip movements that look similar, many children who grow up with Cued Speech become proficient lipreaders and that simply adds to the communications toolbox that deaf or hard of hearing individuals can benefit from.
We’ve been telling that story for 50 years now, as Cued Speech was developed in 1966 by Dr. Orin Cornett, a phycist by profession, but never before has the story been shown through mainstream artistry. Twista generously loaned his time to work on this project with us along with our friend, Scott Emalfarb, whom I asked to help create this video.
Cue Everything
The Project:
Cue Everything ( partnered with Twista, a Chicago hip hop icon to create the world’s first ever Cued Speech music video with a mainstream artist. We picked Twista because we wanted to demonstrate the ability to fully and accurately visually convey what it would look and feel like to experience the world’s fastest rapper targeting the deaf community.
What is Cued Speech?
Cued Speech is a type of visual communication that uses hand movements combined with mouth shapes to communicate with the deaf and hard of hearing.
Video Link: