I am happy to announce SeniorNet’s newest collaboration – with Dr. William Perry.
Dr. William Perry is a professor of computer information systems at Western Carolina University and a computer network and information security specialist. Dr. Perry also serves as an associate research fellow with the Joint Special Operations University and for the Department of Defense.
He is the recipient of the Global Teaching Excellence Award and was twice awarded the Board of Governor’s Innovative Teaching Award from the University of North Carolina.
Dr. Perry is a former military officer and also has experience in counterintelligence, risk analysis, and threat assessment. He has presented at a number of national conferences on the topic of information warfare and worked as a contractor for the Director of National Intelligence. Perry has coordinated and participated in various security-related workshops involving the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, and U.S. State Department.
Perry has written a number of books, articles, and monographs including Assuring Digital Intelligence Collection for the Department of Defense. One of his most recent books, “How to Secure Your Computer: Keep Intruders and Cybercriminals Out” is great reading on testing the vulnerability of your computer against a cyber attack.
Dr. Perry has graciously provided this book to SeniorNet in recognition of the work we do and our mission.
This ebook can be obtained free as a membership benefit at the SeniorNet Mall.