Relationship Harmony:Can a Peaceful Night’s Sleep be the Key to a Lasting Relationship?Relationship Expert, Dennie Hughes, Provides Insights into Resolving Relationship Irritations.Sleeping in separate bedrooms used to signal the beginning of the end of a relationship. Alarmingly, separate bedrooms are seemingly no longer the exception to the rule. But for many couples, sleeping apart is thought of as a way to achieve bedroom silence not from fighting, but from snoring!Dennie Hughes, USA WEEKEND Magazine’s contributing editor and RelationTips writer, sorts through a new survey which will provide insight on how snoring impacts all aspects of a couple’s relationship: Is snoring really a major factor of most fights in relationships? Just how much sleep are you losing due to your bedmate’s snoring? Do couples actually consider separate bedrooms or separation as a way to cope with snoring?Dennie understands other “small” relationship issues can cause major relationship stress over time especially if you’re already suffering from a lack of sleep caused by a snoring bedmate: Sloppiness: Having trouble holding on to a relationship? Perhaps disorganization and sloppy habits are to blame. Surviving In-Laws and Other Relatives: Your own family caused you stress, imagine what your in-laws can do to your relationship, or how you’ll feel the first time you bring your snoring mate to stay over for a family holiday. Money, Money, Money: For many nothing can get tempers as hot.More on Dennie Hughes:Dennie Hughes, USA WEEKEND Magazine’s contributing editor and RelationTips writer, is a respected, award-winning columnist who has built a career dispensing personal advice with professional expertise. She combines common sense with the most up-to-date information on topics that readers care about, and doesn’t hesitate to tackle tough issues.This interview is courtesy by Breathe Right Nasal Strips.