If your answer is, No, you have just joined 80 percent of the United States workforce who are unhappy with their lives. According to Jim White, a motivational speaker who has helped over 100,000 people worldwide, ranging from business professionals to college grads, we can obtain more out of life by finding our purpose. The first step to avoid this feeling and to get more out of your life is to ask yourself one simple question: Whats My Purpose? In his new critically acclaimed book, Whats My Purpose? A Journey of Personal and Professional Growth, White tackles the process of finding meaning in ones life. For the last 30 years White has helped individuals from Fortune 500 companies to ordinary families find their purpose. White can help you unveil the Five Masks that prevent you from living a more purposeful life. White shares with GOOD NEWS how to answer the following questions: Ģ Am I trying to please others and not myself? Ģ Why am I afraid to fulfill my purpose? Ģ Am I in the right profession for myself? Ģ How do I define my purpose? Ģ Deep in my heart, why do I believe I am here? In 1991, White found great success when he started Whats My Purpose? workshops. The graduates of his seminars learned to make significant changes in the way they view their lives. The workshops aim to keep individuals focused on vital life issues while maintaining personal and organizational balance. For more information, visit http://whatsmypurpose.com http://whatsmypurpose.com More about Jim White, Ph.D: Jim White is president of JL White International, author of Whats My Purpose?, and creator of The Circle of Success, a customized, year-long leadership and management transformation process. He is also the originator of the Jim Whites Classic Movie Series and The Red Carpet TourѢ. These innovative events have attracted more than 100,000 participants worldwide. Whether working with multi-billion dollar corporations or the individual entrepreneur, Jim provides people with an approach on how to lead and how to live-professionally and personally-to discover their lifes purpose. This is how leaders launch their real success and discover why living well shouldnt take a lifetime. https://videos.whiteblox.com/gnb/secure/player.aspx?sid=33986