You wouldn’t settle for lousy cell phone reception…
Don’t settle for poor communication between your body’s cells.
Your body’s cells need adequate signaling to be able to ‘talk’ to each other and do their job… keeping you healthy or returning you to a state of balance. Without the ability to send strong signals between your body’s cells, your immune system cannot function properly. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to assure this wouldn’t happen? There is.
Without these molecules, antioxidants do not work. Scientists have proven that these tiny signaling molecules not only enable antioxidants to work, they increase antioxidant effectiveness by over 500%. They also increase the body’s production of endogenous antioxidants, including glutathione, the “mother of all antioxidants” and premier detoxifier.
If that was all this replenishing supplement did, it would still be groundbreaking. Even more importantly, without an adequate supply of these signaling molecules, our cells cannot do their job of detecting problems in the body, protecting against threats, repairing damaged cells, and replacing cells that are damaged beyond repair. Healthy cells mean healthy tissue. Healthy tissue means healthy organs. Healthy organs mean a healthy you. Optimal cell communication is the basis of optimal health. When your cell phone has ‘a poor cell’ or not enough bars, it leads to the well-known words, “Can you hear me now?”. Poor communication would mean trouble if your call had to do with some emergency. It’s the same with our body’s cells. Communication is essential to maintenance and repair, the basis of our immune system. Asea is not only a superior health and wellness product, it contains the molecules that are the foundation of our health.
This area of health and science is still relatively unknown to the world in general, but not to the scientists who are publishing over one hundred peer reviewed articles each month on the subject. Go to, and type in “redox signaling” and any health condition, and see what your search reveals.
Putting this all together… you have a supplement that allows replenishment of essential molecules that our bodies make but less and less of over time. These molecules are foundational to health and our immune system functioning. This product is protected by over 20 U.S. patents. It is 100% safe, it is real, and it is unlike any supplement that exists today.
For more information about Asea go to Dr. Morgan’s website: