Dear Our Collective Members,
I/Our Collective will be cohosting the Chinese New Year Peace Concert with the United Nations Commutech Group (https://uncgtv.co/) on the 3rd February, along with the Opening Ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. This will be the first official announcement of Our Collective sale of a $100M Ming Vase generously granted by our benefactor Max Leong (my fellow Singaporean). We plan to sell this priceless gem of China the traditional way (there have already been expression of interests from a Swiss buyer), but also we plan to digitize this gem into a NFT. I have also decided to NFT all Our Collective Members and Partners into a Our Collective Collectible Collection (CCC), similar to the montage created by Beeple (which sold for $69M by Sotheby’s). I will work with Andrea as Our Collective Digital Curator (which is also our designated Curator for the Ming Vase) to create these upcoming fabulous artworks. There are of course many talented
artists and performer within Our Collective stable – I spoke yesterday to the amazingly beautiful and talented Amanda (congrats to her signing up with Sony Records, and also onto several upcoming big movie projects) and her renowned manager Ralph Cooper (his father was the one who gave birth to the world famous venue Apollo), and I will be NFTing her beauty and artistry into Our CCC. Vincent Lyn (World Kickboxing Champion, Movie Star with Jackie Chan, Grammy-nominated Composer, and founder of We Can Save Children) will be playing his latest Grammy-nominated music video at our Chinese New Year event, and to which I plan to also NFT for Our CCC.
I will be reaching out individually with each of you talented and influential Members in the coming days to coordinate your involved in this exciting new Our Collective Digital Worlds, and telling you the digital platforms that I/We plan to create, promote and sell Our CCC to the eagerly awaiting World!
#leong #ying #chinese #new #year #peace #concert #united #nations #commutech #uncgtv #china #ming #vase #vincent #lyn #jackie #chan #ralph #cooper