Catherine Shainberg PhD will discuss how mothers-to-be and families can use DreamBirth and she will give demonstrations and exercises to expectant mothers.
Re-imagining Childbirth & Empowering Mothers in the 21st Century
Internationally-known Imagery Expert and Psychologist Dr. Catherine Shainberg will share how positive imagery can transform the journey of childbirth, from pre-conception to motherhood. The publication of her new book DreamBirth marks a sea change for mothers-to-be and birthing professionals in their approach to each stage of pregnancy, delivery and bonding. DreamBirth lives up to its subtitle, “transforming the journey of childbirth.” It accomplishes this with imagery.
Dr. Shainberg has 161 precise, yet elegant imaginal exercises for every possible situation that could arise in the process of birthing a newborn. From conception through the first, second and third trimester, labor, delivery, post-partum and bonding — are all included. Each DreamBirth exercise contains imagery that speaks directly to the body and results in actual physical or emotional change. While other techniques, like Lamaze, try to manipulate the mother away from her experience – DreamBirth brings the woman deep into her dreaming, which is her experiencing. When fully immersed in dreaming the mothers enter a state that athletes call “the zone.” In the zone the body does its job effortlessly, painlessly.
The exercises allow the expectant mother to take control of her unique birthing experience. “Focusing our intention lets us consciously begin the process of dreaming forth a new life,” Dr. Shainberg states.
The book was created as an essential resource for mothers, fathers, doulas, midwives, and all birth care professionals.
Dr. Catherine Shainberg is an internationally known expert in the uses of Imagery for transformation on all levels. She has designed and developed, in over 40 years of experience, modern applications for ancient science which have proved effective in thousands of cases. Whether the field is physical, mental or spiritual, her methods work quickly, simply and efficiently. Her method, Reversing™, has proven results in areas ranging from childbirth to business management—including the successful use of Imagery for combat-related injury, PTSD, cancer and mental illness.
She has written two books on the application of her techniques: Kabbalah and the Power of Dreaming, and DreamBirth. DreamBirth will be available in 2014 from Sounds True, as a book and an audio series. Her upcoming publications will include books on Dream Opening™ and the uses of Reversing™ for trauma and risk management. Her published audios include: DreamBirth: Conception, DreamBirth: Pregnancy, DreamBirth Labor: Before, During and After, Imagery for Surgery, and Kabbalah and the Power of Dreaming Guided Exercises. Her first book is available in Japanese, German, Russian, Spanish, Czech and Romanian, with translations into other languages in production. Her audio series is also being translated into Russian, German, Spanish and Japanese.