‘For Diversity. Against Discrimination’?Brussels, 20 June – Commissioner Vladimir Pidla will tomorrow launch the 2008 ‘For Diversity. Against Discrimination’ truck tour as part of the EU’s Europe-wide anti-discrimination information campaign. The tour will kick off at the United Islands of Prague music festival (Czech Republic), where 20,000 visitors are expected – before going on to visit 20 cities in 10 different EU countries over the next four months. The initiative – now in its fifth year – aims to raise awareness of the right to a life free of discrimination and has so far reached half a million people. “Discrimination is unacceptable” said Mr Pidla, Commissioner for Equal Opportunities. “But too many people in Europe are still unaware of their rights to a life free of discrimination. This campaign takes the message direct to citizens and will help to make the right to equal treatment a reality in everyday life”. (…) Link http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/08/976&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en”>Link Link