FAUX-BIA! is a brand new, fast-paced musical at Carnegie Hall. We speaks to Angelika Sandora and Sophia Dama, the producers.
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Audio PlayerFAUX-BIA! is a brand new, fast-paced musical, written in the style of the father of ancient Greek comedy, Aristophanes, and stars the most renowned characters of Greek mythology. We speak to the producers Angelika Sandora and Sophia Dama. The story begins just after Aristophanes’ most famous heroine “Lysistrata”, announced an outrageous plan to blackmail the men of Greece, by withholding what men want most from women!
FAUX-BIA!’s subject matter is that which Aristophanes would definitely comment on if he was alive today: the WORLD CRISIS, in both politics and personal relationships, through the lens of Greek political satire. The solution, as in most of his plays, lies in the power of the female libido!
FAUX-BIA! features beautiful women, eccentric soothsayers,
mermaids, magical elixirs, exotic journeys, a bunch of sex-starved men (and women!), and a hilarious chorus of men and women who sing and dance and constantly brawl to the rhythm of lively music and primal drum beats from all over the world, proving that phobia is nothing but fake violence, a…FAUX-BIA!