If you desire a good meal for your family or your business guests, frequent Bernard Ros’ Meli Melo. The food is eclectic, the atmosphere is down home, and the check does not make you think you’re paying for your whole section of the restaurant. The owner is on-site at all times welcoming and watching over his guests. https://videos.whiteblox.com/gnb/secure/player.aspx?sid=34939″>https://videos.whiteblox.com/gnb/secure/player.aspx?sid=34939 Having trouble viewing the video link? Use the following link: http://cvista.global.synccast.com/cvista/goodnews/judith_west/judith_bernard_ros.wmv”>http://cvista.global.synccast.com/cvista/goodnews/judith_west/judith_bernard_ros.wmv