Today, October 15, is Global Handwashing Day. A day that got started in 2008, which I never paid attention to, now has such strong meaning. Handwashing with soap and water is not only simple and inexpensive but also can dramatically reduce the number of people who get sick, including COVID-19. We are fortunate that we have easy access to clean water and soap.
A large proportion of the world population does not have access to clean water or a bar of soap. These nonprofit organizations provide soap to communities.
Learning how to wash hands the right way with these videos
With the second COVID wave arriving, the global shortage of nitrile gloves is severe. Dealing with PPE products 24/7, what I have noticed in the last two weeks in the market is worrisome.
If you need gloves to sustain your business, please secure the stock or lock the prices.
Please stop speculation, price gouging, and stockpiling. If only the needed buyers purchase gloves and use the right gloves for the required purpose, it is manageable. Consider vinyl, vinyl-nitrile-mix gloves, or latex instead of nitrile gloves for general purpose use.
Have a wonderful Handwashing Day!
Leah Zveglich
Executive Director
Leah Zveglich
Changing the world with social enterprises
Mob: +1 (845) 537-1507