Over 185 artists + amazing performances, events & art collectives at midtown NYC Contemporary Art Fair! Billed as “2 shows, 1 admission”: also American Fine Crafts Show. Friday 12-7, Sat. 10-7, Sunday 10-4. All DETAILS & a special discount code below the jump. Then how to submit art &/or writing for our semi-annual Int’l Magazine, sold in 500 + venues-never any fees!
Lastly, see dark background text for free shows, parties/career opportunities/talks/contests/grants & art/film/theater opportunities + links & videos…
71,000 square feet of the Jacob Javits Center North! Here & below see specifics: magnetized unique “red wall” & floor displays, booths, opening & ongoing shows with some remarkable artists & cultural groups. Hell’s Kitchen Artists Guild has a table & referred copious artists, workers, & performers. Kids free, & jus’ for usdiscount code: HKART. Means nobody pays over $11, seniors less, students $5! See Website for info, directions, reduced price admission & parking coupon.
SUMMARY of attractions below, but first:
Interested in top $ commission ad sales or assisting with crowd funding video OR layout/design prospects (receive free ads & own spreads): reply to THIS E-Mail.
NEXT: want to PUBLISH your art & writing, free?
This summer our Arts & Culture Magazine “At The Edge” (only for a short while available free at this link until sold on Apple app.) easily surpassed 500 + newsstands & bookstores! A Hell’s Kitchen Artists Guild spin off from the HK: ArtiST (5 annual) all weekend free festivals, in depth literature (fiction, personal idea(l)s, poetry, profiles) & visionary/detailed/expressive or surreal art & photography especially welcome. We have copious material & are laying out our 3rd issue, but quality work may be immediately accepted: just CAREFULLY follow all directions at: ArtistsintheKitchen.org/submit.
Below is a small taste of what you can experience this weekend at 11th Avenue & 39th Street.
Unlike any other NYC art show, this event celebrates all forms of creativity with a unique concept: Two individual shows within the same setting. This has proven to be a big attraction for art lovers of all kinds.
See the inspired efforts of established and emerging independent painters, photographers and sculptors.
American Fine Craft Show-find fine furniture, ceramics, glass, wood, metal, textiles, fashion, jewelry and accessories, timed for gift-giving.
OPENING RECEPTION Friday, October 25th, 5-6:30 pm.
Special Performances by The Voice’s star Christian Porter and NY Artist Minnie Dee. “Minnie Dee is excited to perform an uptempo groovy set, while Christian will bring a special acoustic set just for the Contemporary Art Fair.”
ART OFF THE MAIN. A special section to present affordable art by emerging and established artists from regions and cultures that have traditionally been underrepresented in other art fairs. Showcasing works by over 30 African American, African and Caribbean artists. There has been an absence of a black art presence in the New York art fair scene for the past five years. Let us all work together to rebuild the vibrant, high quality market of the 80’s- 90’s. Be an “artvocate” through your attendance!
Originally this broad body of work by notable artists, musicians and show business personalities was exhibited at Woodstock ’99. Wavy Garvy, Trixie Garcia, Tico Tores, Wade Smith, Lorraine Bracco, Christo, Ron English, Anthony Ausgang, Zephyr, Ward Sutton, Van Arno and more.
• Michael Indorato | “The Flying Artist” will paint live in his amazing style.
• Noa Leshem-Gradus | Where are you? Who are you?
• Taezoo Park | Digital Being
The Art of Clay | Pottery Demonstrations
• Mud, Sweat & Tears (HK:ArtiST Festival alumni, store & school) • The Clay Pot• La Mano Pottery
200 feet of original, one-of-a-kind and affordable art from new and establisherd artists.
Two Shows One Admission | 185 Artists | Our Most Dynamic Show To Date
Non-stop live demonstrations and spectacular installations. Bring the kids. Under 10 FREE.
This renowned decades-long craft show Impresario Richard Rothbard runs it. We share the same paradigm: to have artists & showmen get a place at the proverbial & literal tables at a fraction of the normal prices, not go broke just to see if their work is marketable! We will be flying our banner there & supplying help, recruited you folks as paid workers + artists, see there: brought the much publicized Times Square nude body painter (andygolub.com).
ALSO the Mayor welcomes a great show there: ARTISTS FOR PEACE AND THE ENVIRONMENT has been displayed in it’s entirety or partly in museums + additional galleries & venues in the US & abroad. Michael Lang, legendary Woodstock producer is behind it, as are other high level show biz & hippie-esque figures like Hog Farm/Wavy Gravy, top musician prodigies + their progeny & graffiti talents.
Interested in magazine SALES? Highest commission pay you can find,15%-33.3%! We meet & run national ads to identify, attract & develop emerging talent & advertisers. See our large print & online issues + superb Sponsor/Media Kits. Inquiries-click “reply” here. Also re: manning table & magazines sales at the Fair!
Immediate openings for producing & testifying on video + PR assistance for both a Kickstarter campaign for the magazine & helping at the fair! Like all Directors, significant assistance means we design & run a beautiful ad promoting your own brand & business! Respond here ASAP.
A Final THANK YOU to all guests, artists, performers & sponsors for our last annual all free HK: ArtiST Festival, 6th weekend: May 16-18 2014! We showed/saw work @150 venues for art in homes, studios, galleries, biz, gardens street events near & at huge 40th annual 9th Avenue Int’l Food Festival. Then 3 all evening Grand Galas with continual live music & entertainment of all genres! See large 2 sided postcards & interactive MAP + awesome, magazine launch party-infused promo video for that self guided art crawl at promo page on ArtistsintheKitchen.org!
THEN again on the 6/21 summer solstice had one of the LARGEST of 1000+ concerts + art/demos/body/face painting/gourmet food at gorgeous Hell’s Kitchen Park!
STAY TUNED for breaking news & updates, below attend theHellish Ceres Gallery Exhibition Opportunity. 11th National Juried Exhibition. May 28 – June 21, 2014. Deadline: February 15, 2014Juror: Lauren Hinkson,Assistant Curator for Collections, The Guggenheim Museum, NYC. She conducts permanent collection research with a focus on modern, contemporary time-based art. She also works closely with the museum’s acquisition committees and assists with collection and database management. She has co-curated several collection exhibitions including Surface, Support, Process: The 1960’s Monochrome in the Guggenheim Collection;Pop Objects and Icons from the Guggenheim Collection; and Paired, Gold: Felix Gonzalez-Torres and Roni Horn. APPLY HERE.Free: Fashion District Arts Festival 10-24-26. Start & get a map at by far the BIGGEST stop, the 75 artists open studios at the great EFA (see here studio videos too) in our midtown ‘hood, 323 West 39th Street. Or visit the WEBSITE. 6–10 PM opening Thursday, Friday 6-9 PM, Saturday 1-6 PM. Now: the Hell’s Kitchen Artists Guild approved All Hallow’s Eve Bash!! Masquerade Art Gala The Set NYC presents: A Masquerade Art Ball: A Costume Fashion Show by “Yesterdaynight”. A benefit for Freedomladder.com: Stopping child sex slave trafficking. A Costume Fashion show by Vogue and Inside New York featured designer Yesterday night. Early fashion show by Celebrity designer Jason Christopher Peters (People, US Weekly, MTV). Designer Phil Harris presents: A Walking Piece of Art – For Your Eyes Only as the grand finale. Hosted by philanthropist and award winning actress Qurrat Ann Kadwani. Artwork and art presentation by Tobin Eason (BalletNext, American Ballet Theatre). Free gifts and beauty masks from Grand Central Beauty and Elucid Fashion Magazine. Also in our wheelhouse, the great space doing int’l business & always on our HK: ArtiST open studio festival map-95 DOLLAR STORE SALE with free gorgeous hardcover book, to the end of the year as supply lasts! Both here & in an UWS location, see links for all details!artforhealingnyc.org/95dollarstoregallery.htm And when & where? Art for Healing NYC Org is decorating our Hell’s Kitchen Manhattan, little gallery with original art works priced as high as only 95 Dollars! ( As supply lasts!) Each total purchase receives a free Coffee Table Art book of the biography of a museum collected artist! BUY YOUR HOLIDAY PRESENTS NOW! Also always joining us & free: Fountain Gallery, part of their clubhouse for the recovering mentally ill. Through 10-30 see their “Into Central Park” exhibit, 702 9th avenue @ 48th Street. Tues-Sat 11-7, Sun 1-5. Estelle Levy is a member here at HKAG & runs a woman’s group like this one: womenartsalon.blogspot.com-a great resource with 100’s of mutually supportive career & general creative ladies! Ms. Levy is amongst 28 featured at the American Society of Contemporary Artists. Annual exhibition: 11/5-16, “Diverse Impressions”, opening reception 11-9, 2-4:30 PM. The High Line Loft, 508 West 26th Street, 5th floor. Established before World War 1, ASCA provides its members opportunities to exhibit and sell their art. Networking & community are crucial to us. At its various receptions, meetings & studio visits, exchanges of ideas & friendships occur, adding to our vitality. By exhibiting, selling, and connecting with other artists, the needs of the painter, sculptor, and printmaker are met. Membership of about one hundred artists are curators, critics, teachers, & members of other important art organizations. ascartists.org. So many great exhibits & performances free, a few venues in midtown & uptown, from lobbies to Brooklyn! See Chashama.org. Historic nonprofit group of theaters, gallery spaces, and studios. Publisher Paul Cabezas has a free group show w/charming Tracey Von Becker, she has contributed to our own art rag. Arts & Crafts Indoor Market. Saturday & Sundays 11-7 PM. ARTS group through Linkedin! Subject: Your ARTS blogging business. David Nordella, moderator of NAMMATIMES specialist subgroup BLOGS is ready to help with your existing or start up your first blogging business. Visit BLOGS and share your own blogging content with the group HERE & then reach out to David. View his profile & contact him at dnordella@providerfinance411.com to connect. Amongst the many great groups for artists, here is one for newbies & Professional mentors. Wednesday is their free 9 PM virtual/online event “From paper to in-person, a resume & cover letter workshop”. Q & A.meetup.com/NYCreativeInterns. They also just changed their name to “FindSpark”, & have various internships, jobs, scholarships..Need Account & Sales Executives, Graphic Designers, Program Coordinators, workshops & conferences on pitching & marketing…Check too:www.meetup.com/NYC-Artists-on-the-Rise/events/144329802. Affordable Care Act & Freelancers Presentation. Add ArtCards to all the .coms with great event listings & newsletters to subscribe to, like ArtLog, Thrillist, CityArts Artkrush, artfagcity, artsnapper, nonsensenyc/flavorpillnyc/GeminiandScorpio/theSkint/Nifty. From the great Arts in Bushwick, largest/Mother of all open studios with 3 big annual weekends. ¡CALABAZAFEST! 2014 is on Sunday 10/27: Dancing Zombies & Colorful Costumes Wanted! Link: details on 12-5 PM Sundaaaze event, dance training video & photos from last 3 years…. Combine these with a tour of numerous West Chelsea galleries & a walk on the amazing Highline above ground park: Invitations for several shows and a publication opening from leahoates.com. Curate NYC ’13. Selected for Top 150 artists. Reception: October 24th, 6:30-8:30 PM, Open through November 2nd. Rush Arts Gallery, 526 West 26th Street. To submit all art & writing for free publication offer your best images & literary efforts by following directions at: ArtistsintheKitchen.org. Free wisdom from his great newsletter all artists should subscribe to:BrainardCarey@gmail.com. How to get into a Museum, price your art… Updates on grants for artists with this mobile App for phones HERE. The School for Artists—>Is like a post-graduate course in building a professional career Learn more by clicking this LINK. Get/download the free 28 page book, “How I Got into the Whitney Biennial” HERE. He is also launching a new very intensive program, to see if it fits you, review the questions about what you might need. If you can, he is grateful for reviews on AMAZON. Feel free to write to him with questions about the newsletter or if you Cianne Fragione has the exhibit “Lo Studio” at John D Calandra Italian American Institute Queens College, CUNY. This is a link to The episode of Italics that covers the opening is now online. On view through 1-10, 2014. Artists’ Talk: Tuesday,November 19, 2013, 6 PM Lectures, scholarships, (Empire State) partnership for college credit, residencies here & overseas, special exhibitions, art workouts & workshops, grants, model/work, soooo much more at the legendary, since 1875 & to be featured in our next issue: theartstudentsleague.org. COME ON OUT FOR A CLOSING CELEBRATION ON WORKS WILL BE SOLD AND DONATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED 25CPW GALLERY @ 25 CENTRAL PARK WEST In the four and a half years that 25CPW has had its doors open, we have had over 200 events and exhibitions—thousands of people have come through our doors, in diverse forms of expression, as extensions of varied walks of life. All have become a part of our community. Please come and join us for one last celebration on Central Park West with a night of art, music, food, drink and more…. Terrific thoughtful free exhibits & eclectic classical performances in Hell’s Kitchen at 549 West 52nd Street, 8th floor. gallerymc.org. Before the summary: another great opportunity for writers & theatre enthusiasts & in/for our beloved Hell’s Kitchen! All participants will receive 10 hours of free rehearsal time (during off-peak hours, usually daytime weekdays). This is something new, adopted from the MITF of recent years. The theory is that I can buy rehearsal time in bulk where you have to pay retail, so a modest expense for me saves a bundle for you. I’m glad to do it if it’ll encourage you to take part in the Festival. You will receive half the net, defined as half the difference between your gross and 40% of the maximum possible gross. People ask me, “How much you going to pay me to be in your Festival?”, and I say, “Why should I pay you when I don’t charge you to be here in the first place?” But I understand that putting on a play costs money, so here’s an incentive for you to go out and sell tickets. I love that! One-act plays are an easy, cheap, and fun way to see your work on its feet. To submit a script, send it as an attachment in .doc or .pdf format. john.chatterton@gmail.com.. AAlso seek CHILDREN’S Plays for February 2014!
Every small theatre company in the country is aware of the possibilities of children’s theatre (meaning, for me, theatre performed by adults for children and their parents). Why? Because children’s-theatre audiences are populated by people whose only requirement is that they have children (or be children). If you perform children’s theatre and market it properly, you can expect regular audiences of people who otherwise wouldn’t think of going to a play. The Midwinter Madness Short Play Festival, now in its 4th season, is inaugurating a Children’s Theatre Division. We are searching for companies who want to try out new material in this genre, either to see it on its feet, test it with a young audience, or develop an audience for themselves. To create a special focus for the genre, we’re reserving special slots early on weekend mornings & daytime on Thursdays and Fridays (Mondays through Wednesdays–reserved for tech rehearsals). Here are the salient details of the Festival: Dates for the Festival are Feb. 10 – Mar. 1, 2013. *12 pt Times Roman; character names in the middle on their own line; line spaces between speeches and stage directions; indented stage directions; 1″ margins all around. I’ve presented a lot of Festivals, and I have a special interest in children’s theatre. Festivals are an easy, cheap, and fun way to see your work on its feet. To submit a script, send it as an attachment in .doc or .pdf format to john.chatterton@gmail.com. n questions, don’t hesitate to shoot me an E-mail Now at the great Contemporary art Festival that is the central feature of this newsletter, make sure you catch this very impressive intersection of technology & childhood delight: Professional NYC multimedia artist, self-educated, reclusive, bespectacled, tall, stoic, sarcastic, eccentric, hard-rocking, tattooed…And his kids toys are high tech functional! Julius von Brunk — also known as Baron von Brunk — is a Pennsylvania-born graphic artist and master LEGO builder. The Baron’s original LEGO creations feature a broad array of themes, mostly encompassing the geeky subculture — with an emphasis on retro video games. Most notably, Baron von Brunk is best remembered for building a large sculpture of a vintage Nintendo Entertainment System controller made entire from LEGO bricks, and wired to actually play games. A lot of his other works consist of perfectly-scaled replicas of video game systems, game cartridges, and accessories that each transform into various robots similar to Hasbro’s “The Transformers” toy line. Von Brunk designs packages and print material for consumer goods as a full-time trade, whilst creating elaborate LEGO models as a serious hobby. His long-term goal is to be a toy designer for a major brand, such as Tyco, Hasbro, Fisher-Price — or even LEGO Group themselves. To check out his personal homepage, visit baronvonbrunk.com, and be sure to like his Facebook fan page to keep up with his updates on current works-in-progress for his custom builds. “A link to several high-res photos, these contain a lot of my most popular creations, with a few headshots. It’s a special link to my Google Drive that I’ve shared”. drive.google.com View his youtube CHANNEL. |
For exhaustive details about our history, plans, & activities, including our internationally distributed publication, partnership with a prestigious Contemporary Art Fair in the Fall, promo page with numerous print/media features, videos/social media/sponsor kits/ads/2 sided postcard invitations & maps/new press release/business plan/premiere & expanded issues + an embarrassment of other arts impresario & fan delights, peruse this earlier newsletter.