For some it begins early in life and takes years or what seems like a lifetime to surge. John Seeger was definitely born a musician. Learning, practicing and mastering guitar was as much an everyday occupation to him as speaking Japanese and Spanish fluently, obtaining his black belt in karate, creating and building his successful NYC-based construction company, raising his 19 year old daughter and tending to his home and family. It may have seemed at times, even to John, that music was just another one of his passions and thirsts. Except that this one was impossible to quench.
John sets the bar high in every aspect of his life, music is no exception. Over 15 songs on his roster to date, all written over the past year, John’s songs are like paintings, a depiction of life’s tales in each one. The mixture of his musical style is as diverse as the man. Sometimes bluesy with a hint of funk, sometimes pop or folk rock, always about a love lost or soon to be found, relationships and friends, but mainly about a man’s journey to find and keep his heart’s desire. Not as easy as it sounds…The range of John’s technical guitar qualities knows no boundaries : classical, Spanish, electric, acoustic, blues : you name it, John plays it.
Who then will find it hard to understand how sometimes a passion can take decades to finally find its form? That life’s journey is a mysterious one and oddly, not as common as one may think?
Who says a songwriter has to be between 18 and 25 to have something to offer to the world in terms of musicality, harmony, lyrics or vocals ? Who doesn’t know someone strikingly talented in their mid 50s, a professional in his or her own right with years of life’s accumulated experiences, and with a story to tell.
Inspired by a multitude of other bands since his teens, of course, by infinitely talented musicians over the years, indeed, by his own journey and love of the art of music, John Seeger has come to realize that it had to be done. He had to let it go, let it happen and see where it will take him. Just as obvious as ink on a blank piece of paper, John’s songwriting has been crafted into the pieces of life, which define him.
His live performances in NYC have recently given him proof (that he has been striving for) that there is an ever-growing receptive audience out there, loving his music. Just as much as he is loving his and his band,Wa2C’s, performances. A new chapter in his life begins.