Listen to “Jon Stewart & John Feal will be honored with the Chapter’s President’s Award for their work helping 911 first responders and veterans obtain” on Spreaker.

The NY Chapter is thrilled to announce that the 65th Annual NY Emmy Awards will be livestreamed on Saturday October 8th in two separate ceremonies.
The Creative Arts Ceremony will begin at 3:30 and last until about 5pm. This ceremony will celebrate the outstanding work produced by the NY Chapter’s craftspeople. That ceremony can be viewed live at these links.
The second half of our gala will begin about 7:00 pm and last until the end about 11pm. Jon Stewart & John Feal will be honored with the Chapter’s President’s Award for their work helping 911 first responders and veterans obtain health benefits. Dan Rather will be honored with the Chapter’s Governors’ Award for his 70 plus years as one of America’s most respected journalists. In addition to that we will also be awarding a record number of Emmys to our members.
That ceremony can be viewed live at these links
You can follow along by viewing or downloading the list of nominees in show order.
If you cannot be at the ceremony is person, watching these livestream broadcasts are the next best thing.
Good luck to all of our nominees
Mike Kostel
Executive Director
NY Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
#jonstewart #johnfeal #chapterspresidentsaward #presidentsaward #911 #firstresponders #veterans #health #benefits #healthbenefits