July 2012 Interfaith Center of New York E-Announcements
Dear Friends,
On Monday, July 16th, the Interfaith Center will be delighted to welcome the participants in our Religious Worlds of New York summer institute for teachers (a program developed in partnership with Union Theological Seminary, with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities). Thirty middle- and high school teachers from public, private, and parochial schools throughout the United States will be joining us for a three-week exploration of American religious diversity. These remarkable educators are coming from communities of every shape and size – from Coconut Grove, Florida, to Omak, Washington (population 4,754), and most everywhere in between. We’re looking forward to working with them, and we honor their commitment to interfaith understanding.
ICNY staff members have been sharing lessons from our New York interfaith work overseas. This past month the Rev. Chloe Breyer joined an Anglican/Episcopal delegation led by the Rt. Rev. John Chane, Bishop of Washington (Retired) to a two-day summit in Beirut, Lebanon called “Christians and Muslims Building Peace and Justice in a Violent and Changing World,” which included delegates representing Episcopalians and Anglicans; Roman, Armenian, Melkite, and Maronite Catholics; and Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims. Click here to access an article on this summit prepared by the Episcopal News Service, or visit our website at http://interfaithcenter.org/archives/2801.
Also, Dr. Sarah Sayeed represented ICNY at the Buncher Conference “Global Interfaith | Intercultural Conference on Humanitarian Work,” taking place in London from June 27-29 and co-sponsored by Faiths Forum for London, ICNY, Office for Religious Life – University of Princeton, Surrey-Multifaith Centre, JDC-ICCD and CEDAR.
Below we list programs offered by The Interfaith Center of New York in July. We also list additional upcoming events that may be of interest to religious leaders in New York. A listing does not imply endorsement.
*********************** Upcoming Interfaith Center Events **********************
Bridging the Gap: Allyship between LGBTQ and Religious Communities
Date: Monday, July 9
Time: 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Location: The Interchurch Center Robing Room, 475 Riverside Drive, New York
Brown bag lunch panel discussion. Panelists: Brian Currie (Live Out Loud); Hussein Rashid (Hofstra U.); Peter Savastano (Seton Hall U.). For more information and to RSVP, contact allegra@interfaithcenter.org or call (212) 870-3510.
Family Reentry Day: to welcome home the men and women who have returned (from incarceration) to the community, and embrace their families. Bring your family out for a free day of food and fun!
(The Interfaith Center/Harlem Community Justice Center’s Reentry Family and Faith Circles of Support will have a table. The Interfaith Center is also sponsoring the Friendship Bracelet table.)
Date: Saturday, July 14
Time: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Location: E. 121st Street between Lexington and 3rd Avenue
There will be:
· Games and Prizes
· Free Kids Haircuts
· Jewelry-making
· Tie-dye T-shirts
· Balloon Animals
· Face Painting
· Service Providers and More!!
Contact Anisah Thompson to volunteer or for more information: 212-360-8747, athomps1@courts.state.ny.us
What is the Cradle to Prison Pipeline? Why Should Communities of Faith Help Create a Prison to Home Landing Strip?
Date: Tuesday, July 17
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Location: The Kennedy Center, 34 W. 134th Street between Malcom X Blvd. and Fifth Ave.
Sponsored by the Interfaith Center of New York, in collaboration with the Catholic/Muslim Dialogue congregations in Harlem.
Speakers include:
· Rev. Dr. Emma Jordan Simpson, Children’s Defense Fund-NY
· Imam Al-Hajj Talib ‘Abdur-Rashid, The Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood
· Rev. Darren Ferguson, Interfaith Center of New York
RSVP: Rev. Darren Ferguson, 212-870-3513 or darren@interfaithcenter.org.
************************ ICNY Co-Sponsored Events ****************************
Briefing for Faith Community Leaders Regarding the New National Deferred Action Policy for DREAM-Act Eligible Youth
Date: Wednesday, July 11
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: The New York Immigration Coalition: 137-139 W. 25th Street 12th Floor The briefing will provide information and resource to help “Dreamers”:
· An overview of the policy, including time frame and possible hurdles for Dreamers;
· A resource packet that details the policy and NYC support services available to faith leaders/Dreamers;
· Information about outreach strategies being employed by NYC congregations and faith-based organizations/agencies in their effort to assist Dreamers in their communities;
· A chance for participants to ask questions that will enable them to better assist Dreamers in their congregations/communities.
RSVP to steinmandiane@gmail.com by Thursday, July 5.
Sponsored by: NYS Interfaith Network for Immigration Reform and the NY Immigration Coalition (The Interfaith Center is a co-founder of the Network) in collaboration with: American Jewish Committee (AJC) – NY, Brooklyn Congregations United (BCU), Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens, Churches United to Save and Heal (CUSH), Greater New York Labor/Religion Coalition, New Sanctuary Coalition of New York, Project Hospitality, Staten Island Clergy Council, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Trinity Grace Church (list in formation).
IMPORTANT NOTE TO IMMIGRANT ADVOCATES – From Jacki Esposito at the New York Immigration Coalition:
If you know congregants/community members in the following circumstances, they need to be brought to ICE ERO Headquarters’ attention right away so they can begin to process them for deferred action:
1. Individuals who qualify for the new deferred action policy and currently have voluntary departure orders;
2. Individuals who have already received PD but now qualify for deferred action.
Please email jesposito@thenyic.org about these individuals ASAP, so we can bring them to ICE’s attention.
******************* Additional Events in the New York Area ***********************
NYPD Brooklyn North Youth Summit
Date: Monday, July 2
Time: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Location: Woodhull Hospital, 760 Broadway, Brooklyn
The Youth Summits are being held to educate the community regarding youth crews/trends in their respective neighborhoods. Community leaders, representatives of community based organizations that deal with youth, teachers, administrators, clergy, and concerned citizens are all invited to attend. For more information contact Juvenile Justice Division at 212-343-3707. On the WEB – www.facebook.com/NYPD or www.nyc.gov/nypd.
Conflict Prevention in Nepal: UNDP’s Conflict Prevention Programme
Date: Tuesday, 3 July
Time: 1:00 – 2:30 pm
Location: 1 UN Plaza (DC-1), Julia Taft Conference Room, 20th floor
The UN Interagency Framework Team for Preventive Action cordially invites you to this brown bag lunch event. Presenter will be Michael Brown, Head of the Peacebuilding and Recovery Unit in UNDP Nepal. Please be informed that there will be one organized pick-up at 12.45 p.m. in the DC-1 lobby for participants who do not have a UN pass which is needed to enter the building. We regret that arrivals after that time cannot be picked up and escorted into the building and will not be able to attend. Hosted by: UNDP, Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery. E-mail: framework.team@undp.org.
The United Nations and Children: A Systems Thinking Approach
Date: Thursday, July 5
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Location: 777 United Nations Plaza, 7th floor conference room.
Free briefing. Luncheon and Tour Reservations are extra. Virginia Swain, Founder and Director, Institute for Global Leadership, will speak about Children and the United Nations — A Systems Thinking Approach and describe her cornerstone event at the United Nations in 1992, Celebration of the Children of the World, the founding of Reconciliation Leadership and the Global Mediation and Reconciliation Service. For more, http://global-leader.org/gl_childrenotw.htm, http://vimeo.com/20617209, http://vimeo.com/43058191 &http://www.centerglobalcommunitylaw.org/wl_gmrservices.html. Contact: Virginia Swain, 508 245-6843.
“Stepping Up In Faith for HIV and AIDS” Events
Dates: Monday, July 9 – Thursday, July 12
For times and locations, see individual events
The New York City Community Partners present: The 4th Annual Stepping Up in Faith for HIV and AIDS Community Events. Click on the event(s) below to RSVP your attendance:
Monday – July 9 (12:00 – 3:00 pm): A “Health Living” Luncheon for People Living with HIV and AIDS
Monday – July 9 (6:30 pm / Forum begins at 7:30 pm): Spiritual HIV Support Dinner Forum for all affected by HIV and AIDS
Tuesday – July 10 (4:30 pm, City Hall): 2012 Annual Community Meeting – New York City Faith In Action Coalition
Wednesday – July 11, (Breakfast Forum 9:00 – 12:00 Noon): Turning the Tide Together – A Conversation HIV/AIDS – Faith & Secular Movement
Thursday, July 12, (2:30 pm – 5:00 pm): Criminalization, Incarceration & HIV Understanding the intersections and addressing challenges
The Neuroscience and Psychology of Nostalgia: How Memories of Our Past Affect Our Present
Date: Wednesday, July 18
Time: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Location: Tishman Auditorium at The New School – 66 W 12th St, New York, NY
What makes some people more nostalgic than others? Can neuroscience tell us anything about the phenomenon? How can nostalgia be used to influence our emotions and behavior? And what role do sentimental memories play in defining who we are? Join the Center for Inquiry-New York City as we explore these and related issues. Sandra Upson, Managing Editor at Scientific American Mind, will moderate a discussion between Professor Krystine Batcho, a psychologist and nostalgia expert at Le Moyne College; Professor Joseph LeDoux, an eminent neuroscientist studying memory and emotion at New York University. This event is $5 for the general public, free for members. Click here to purchase tickets. Tickets must be purchased in advance. No tickets will be sold at the door. Members can email nyc@centerforinquiry.net to RSVP.
Volunteer Development Program – A Look Back: 1995 Tokyo Sarin Gas Attack
Date: July 18
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Location: NYC Office of Emergency Management, 165 Cadman Plaza East, Brooklyn
During the morning rush hour commute on March 20, 1995, members of the religious cult Aum Shinrikyo conducted five coordinated attacks on the Tokyo subway system using sarin gas. The attacks left thirteen people dead and thousands injured. Sponsored by the NYC Citizen Corps Council, Donnie Campbell from the NYC Office of Emergency Management will present on the attack, emergency response, and impact it had in Japan and around the world. Registration is required. For additional information about the NYC Citizen Corps Council and to register, visit www.NYC.gov/citizencorps or contact citizencorps@oem.nyc.gov.
Abrahamic Manhattan! 3-Day Summer Immersion
Start: July 25, 2012 3:00 pm
End: July 27, 2012 10:00 pm
Location: Various venues around New York City
Cost: $280
Join Faith House Manhattan’s first 3-Day Faith House Immersion this summer! Abrahamic Manhattan will include visits to three different Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities in Manhattan, providing a rich sampling of Abrahamic diversity in NYC. If you are interested, please fill out this short online application. Applications will be considered as received and your spot will be secured with full payment. For more information, see: http://www.faithhousemanhattan.org/2012/05/23/abrahamic-manhattan-3-day-summer-immersion/.
Gethsemane Baptist Church Missionary Outreach Day
Date: Saturday, July 28
Time: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: Gethsemane Baptist Church, 771 Fairmount Place, Bronx, N.Y. 10460
Spoken word – inspirational music – free food and beverages – free clothing – voter registration – games – face painting – fire safety – health screenings – mobiles – HIV testing – free mammography (call 800-564-6868 before 7/28/12 for appointment). For more information call
718 294-7129.
This Burning Land: Lessons from the Front Lines of the Transformed Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Date: Monday, July 30
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 p.m.
Location: Mid-Manhattan Library, 455 Fifth Avenue, New York
Fully accessible to wheelchairs
With New York Times reporter Greg Myre and Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin. This visual presentation explores the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as an asymmetrical war. Through interviews with extremists on both sides, informants, settlers, and ordinary farmers, the authors show how and why this long-running conflict has eluded traditional routes to peace.
Hosting an International Fellow – Community Solutions Program
Date: August to December, 2012
Time: 4 months
Location: US-based host organizations
IREX seeks U.S. community-based organizations and government offices that actively engage in community development projects to host, mentor and guide international community leaders from July to December of 2012 as part of the U.S. State Department-funded Community Solutions Program. Community Solutions leaders are among the best and brightest global community leaders working in Transparency & Accountability, Tolerance & Conflict Resolution, Environmental Issues, and Women’s Issues. This year participants are coming from 32 different countries. For more information about hosting a leader please contact communitysolutions@irex.org no later than June 8, 2012. To hear what past hosts have to say about the program visit our website. Contact Information for questions or more info: communitysolutions@irex.org, 202-628-8188 ext. 201.
Temple Twilight Tour with UN Ambassador to Sri Lanka
Date: Saturday, August 4
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: The New Jersey Buddhist Vihara and Meditation Center, 4299 Route 27, Princeton NJ 08540
Join us for a twilight tour of the future Meditation Center, guided by the Permanent Ambassador to the United Nations of Sri Lanka, Dr. Palitha Kohona. Meditate under the 30 foot samadhi Buddha, illuminated at night, or walk the meditation trail along the meandering stream on the Temple’s 10 acres. Join the Board for traditional Sri Lankan food following the tour. For more information, contact njmcinfo@gmail.com.
*************** ADL Calendar of Observances for June 2012 ***************
July 3 – Tuesday – DHARMA DAY • Buddhist. Also known as Asala Puja, it commemorates the historical Buddha’s first discourse following his spiritual awakening.
July 4 – Wednesday – INDEPENDENCE DAY. Anniversary of the United States Declaration of Independence in 1776.
July 5 – Thursday – NISF SHABAAN • Islamic. “Night of Repentance” in preparation for the fast of Ramadan. Fixed as the 15th day or middle (nisf) of the eighth month of Shabaan in the Islamic calendar.
July 9 – Monday – MARTYRDOM OF THE BÁB • Bahá’í. Observance of the anniversary of the execution by a firing squadin Tabríz, Persia, of the 30-year-old Siyyid ‘Alí-Muhammad, the Báb, the prophet-herald of the Bahá’í Faith.
July 20-August 18 – Friday-Saturday – RAMADAN • Islamic. A month of strict fasting from dawn until dusk in honor of the first revelations of the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad.
July 26 – Thursday – ADA (AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT) DAY. Commemorates the 1990 signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which guarantees equal opportunity for people with disabilities.
July 29 – Sunday – TISHA B’AV • Jewish. Mourning of the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem in 586 BCE and 70 CE.