Healthy Fuel for Back to School Fitness and Nutrition Expert Provides Important Tips on Maintaining a Healthy Diet for the Whole Family Kelli Calabrese, Fitness and Nutrition Expert As children head back to school, its easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the start of the year, and nutrition often takes a back seat to school supplies and after school activities. From planning nutritious meals to making smart choices at the grocery store, ensuring that the family stays healthy is more important now than ever before. Kelli Calabrese has the latest tips on how to support healthy living for the entire family. Kelli will share her insights on some of the following categories: The latest on Healthy Snacks Important Nutrition Information for your Pets Latest Food and Nutrition Tips Lunchbox 101 General Nutrition Fruit and Vegetables Whole Grains Meat and Beans Facts on Fats Dairy Food Pyramid Making Meals Family Time About Kelli Calabrese: Kelli Calabrese is a renowned fitness expert, business owner, international presenter, author, spokesperson, editor and mother of two preschoolers. Her passion for fitness began when Calabrese joined her first group fitness class at the age of thirteen. For over 14 years Kelli owned and operated fitness centers and corporate fitness facilities for clients such as Calvin Klein, Beneficial Insurance and Nabisco. Kelli was the lead fitness expert for eDiets and eFitness for 3 years and continues to contribute articles to their e-zine. She has written over 100 articles or has been interviewed by companies such as WebMD, Prevention, Women’s Day, Women’s World, New York Times, New York Post, iVillage, iParenting, Shape, Martha Stewart, Beauty and Lace and more. Kelli has appeared on Fit week and had been interviewed on fitness and nutrition related topics for Comcast stations. Kelli is committed to coaching individuals to improve behaviors, make wholesome and nutritious food choices, incorporating a regular commitment to exercise, to practice recovery and lead a healthful balance life.?