6th Hell’s Kitchen Art Festival: Celebrating Locally, Spreading Globally!
Grab-ity! Media for HK: ArtiST Studio Tours 2014
The 6th Annual Hell’s Kitchen Artists in Studio Tours:
All 3 Nights & 2 Daaaze, Friday May 16 – Sunday May 18, 2014.
New York, April 2014
We hate being predictable…
But tradition is sacred: Join us for the 6th annual Hell’s Kitchen HK: ArtiST Festival, May 16-18! All FREE Midtown festival unveiling working artists in their homes and studios, galleries, group shows, artwork in local business – & join us for continual music, drama, dance, theater/spoken word performances: ~150 venues for a 2 daaaze self-guided walking tour; + 3 evenings, 30 hours of entertainment, fun, networking & enlightenment during gratis parties over 3 nights! BONUS for the public: Ongoing & new community collaborations- including our 3rd year sharing of the same weekend with (now on its 41st anniversary) the 9th Avenue International Food Festival! Several 100,000 enjoy fine cuisine & free live stage shows, then from 6 PM OUR parties!
View/download our Hell’s Kitchen art walk map in May, available on smart phones, & for now: numerous press features & social media, sponsor/media kits, int’l publication, primo promo page & so much more at www.ArtistsintheKitchen.org! A sneak peak of select PR & Empire State Building art deco bar launch party videos…
http://youtu.be/_G80uaY7KwM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6ztVKE4wiU
Yet we do have 2 new aces up our sleeves:
This year we are spreading our wings across the country and internationally while deepening our roots at home.
Hell’s Kitchen Artists Guild’s smoldering arts & culture magazine At the Edge has been selling nicely in more than 500 chain & independent bookstores and newsstands across The States and Canada, & our 3rd massive new Collector’s Edition will PREMIERE at the festival! The next week in major chains Books-A-Million, Hudson News & Barnes & Noble: + a special promotion in 180 NEW B & Ns! Soon offered online via multifarious online apps & platforms, featuring dozens of contributors taking part in our festival! Many accomplished layout artists create an outrageous yet refined style; well over 100 artists + in depth profiles, literature, poetry and high idea(l)s – catering to art lovers and the general public. Showcasing career guidance for artists & arts education, altruism, spirituality, ground breaking and esteemed institutions such as the Morgan Museum – all tied together with a stunningly “cutting edge” sharp yet Technicolor dreamy, surreal, sophisticated & visionary design.
For a limited time past issues are available in FULL for free online alongside numerous press features on the homepage ofArtistsintheKitchen.org.
At the local, heart of NYC level, as a grassroots movement we are also bolstering our commitment and involvement with the Hell’s Kitchen community in a fulfilling collaboration with legendary 60 building strong Clinton Housing, creatively involving their members while holding special events + revitalizing their low-income buildings with vivacious artworks and inspiring stylistic touches.
Now, hearing this, you’d think we’ve changed, matured, mellowed, settled down…you’re kidding, right?
We reserve our right of high minded artisanal rollicking & even Rock ‘n Roll-licking revelry!
Three rambunctious parties over 3 nights featuring eclectic music & bands galore, drama, comedy, readings, performance art, body art. Friday is our Grand Opening Night Gala, explore several floors & our constant shows at the modern multi-level theaters, bars & cooking of elegantly macabre “Times Scare NY”: theme echoing a 20’s (s)crematorium channeling dark Ye Olde Times Square’s bawdy past! Jam packed with our art & a possible auction…Saturday comes early for a large glitzy fashion show by renowned designer Andres Aquino shot live via VH1 with free catered gourmet local cuisine at 39 nation strong large jewelry showroom Lucoral. Then models & all segue to deploying our all night eclectic performing talents next door at new beautiful cavernous tavern – with all possible craft beers & snacks – District Tap House! Finally Sunday, more fine free food donated from near our legendary Restaurant Row for the rough-hewn charms & beautiful stage/big back room of major musical venue Tobacco Road – again continual entertainment, art & even nude body painting! Stay tuned…
An art and entertainment overdose is a given. Now, hit us up for your share of depravity and abandon. What happens in Hell’s Kitchen stays… well, we throw in the whole Kitchen sink! We do however make allowances for discrete leaks…
Media Contact Founder/CEO Publisher
Ofer Caspi Mike Marcus Felber
917.399.8807 212.582.2990
caspiofer@yahoo.com info@artistsinthekitchen.org
The last NEWSLETTER is below!
Sign up includes a 2014 HKAG (Hell’s Kitchen Artists Guild) membership: thus by request receive/pick up free the next issue of our spin off publication out at the festival, + mail away for free original art! From summer our last issue has been selling at 500 + newsstands & bookstores. New issue-available at parties-will add 2000 + copies via a special display promotions in 208 more Barnes & Noble stores, 180 NEW ones. “At The Edge” free online until soon approved for Endless Apple/iTunes E-newsstand platforms like Kindle Fire & Blackberry!Just what are these great Special Events/Parties? Play, be amazed, learn, drink & network. Our Grand Opening Gala plan is now at 669 8th Avenue, “Times Scare NY”. A Hell’s Kitch(en) theme yet elegantly macabre echo of a 20’s (s)crematorium channeling dark Ye Olde Times Square’s bawdy past! Explore each floor of the modern multi-theatres & bars & menu on each level. Shows all evening at their many rooms & stages, & we will fill the placewith great art with a possible auction! Enjoy bare body art by a top & media-celebrated painter & models,
Then for the next 2 daaaze grab, print out or get on your smart phone our 2 sided 13″ X 19″ map for a 12-6 PM self-guided neighborhood art crawl-meet artists in homes, studios, galleries, theaters, biz…during the 41st annual, several 100,000 strong 9th Avenue Int’l Food Festival-then attend these 2 more sweet free soirees! Saturday: a large Jewelry showroom Lucoral with stores in 39 nations, great gratis catering from the neighborhood at a live TV/VH1 documented Fashion Show by renowned designer Andres Aquino. Finally Sunday-donated gourmet cuisine & desserts from near our legendary Restaurant Row for the rough-hewn charms & beautiful stage/big back room of major musical venue TobaccoRoad-again continual entertainment & nude body painting! 355 West 41st Street just before 9th Avenue. Stay tuned & fasten your seat belts… For whole press release/more, see Facebook pages for “AtTheEdge“Magazine, ArtistsintheKitchen, & Founder/CEO/Publisher Yours Truly. “At The Edge“, has art & literary work of all genres-our 4th issue coming out later in the year. Favored are personal, in depth stories, accounts/poetry…+ well wrought/detailed &/or visionary-surreal art/aesthetics! Never a fee to submit or be published atArtistsintheKitchen.org. Find festival & Mag. media/press, promo pages& videos: even for now FREE: current & 1st expanded online back +premiere issues. Want to get great work & organizing experience, contacts, even an internship? Respond to Volunteer, PR & Party help especially valuable, + option to make top $ in attracting ads & sponsors! Get excited about it AND the ’14 festival, view our last promo video, partially filmed at Mag. launch party in-The Empire State Building Bar! HERE. Crave more details & opportunities? See ourLAST highly detailed newsletter. Now for numerous NEW ones: |