Leaf has been a friend for many years for Good News. Yesterday 9/25 I learned that he is no longer with us. Leaf was a loving man of the streets, who would always share joy and happiness and a joke with me. I will miss him and his kindness. Please read See the Faces and Listen to the Stories of Our Society’s Most Overlooked Outcasts: The Mentally Ill and Homeless at he deals with the realities of the streets.
Leaf, he said he would like to make this interview to be a shout out to Justin Beiber as he believes in him. Leaf shares comedy, introspection on life’s values, Amma, Marianne Williamson, and his deep – rooted philosophy. Leaf survives as he says inside and out for year on our planet, but as long as we know him survives with a deep – rooted soul for the joy of life and helping others.
He is Good News.
Hi! Leaf has asked me to send a picture of his to this address. As it’s obviously no way to submit a file I was wondering if you guys who run this side have contact to him. If so, please feel free to go to this address
download the picture and print it off for him? Would be great to learn, if it gets to him!