The journey has begun…..and a year from now, we could be calling these the good ol’ days. The struggling economy, collapsing healthcare, and a rebellious planet do not make for an agreeable future. We are about to embark on the biggest global transformation we’ve seen in a really long time. It’s been coming for a while but we’ve chosen to ignore the signs, the shots across the bow, the little voice inside our heads that said something’s not quite right….but I’ll deal with it later. Many consumers will be facing unprecedented hardship. Right now, progressive companies have an extraordinary opportunity to cultivate a more meaningful relationship with the consumer. There is great potential in chaos for those who keep their heads, open their hearts and begin to visualize a new horizon. As a planet, a people and an industry, we must evolve if we are to survive. There’s an entirely new way of connecting and communicating with consumers that is rarely considered because it exists outside of the current state of thinking. But as Einstein said, We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. I offer a new way of thinking, a primary intelligence. My expertise in WisdomKeeping may not be business as usual, but it is about to become a powerful ally for those who have vision. You may not believe there is a role in business counsel for a resource that applies wisdom, insight and heightened awareness to problems, strategies, and communications. WisdomKeeping is the integration of over twenty years of senior-level business development and marketing experience, infused with an equally powerful fifteen year heritage in the study of energy and human consciousness. WisdomKeeping does not replace current business and marketing models. It adds value to them. It’s just another, but more direct channel into consumer’s and employee’s soul and changing psyche as well as an extraordinary new tool for distinction and growth in difficult times. WisdomKeeping will not solve the problems we will all be confronting. But it will actively engage you to look at them from a different perspective, seek innovative solutions, generate new ideas and relationships, and allow consumers to view brands and the folks who build them in a much more evolutionary, authentic light. If you’re ready to explore a new level of professional and personal understanding, let’s meet. Best, Lynnda Pollio Conscious Consulting 212.206.9725