MOLLY GOLD is a family time management expert and host of Fine Living Network’s new program, “Time Makeover,” premiering November 15. Known for her enlightening approach to Family Scheduling, Molly shows families how to make their hectic schedules yield the greatest gift — time to spend together. Molly has been featured nationwide in print and broadcast media including Good Morning America and Today.
Molly Gold is the founder & President of GO MOM !NC., a mompreneur and inventor, she is the creator and publisher of The GO MOM!® Planner, the ultimate catch-all and clearinghouse day planner for everything that is family.
1) Tackle the November Trio : Get ahead of the game now! Three important tasks must be accomplished by December 1st to allow room for holiday fanfare.
2) Apply the Rule of One: One holiday social event per weekend, that is. And when you accept an invitation, contact your babysitter immediately so you won’t find yourself empty handed. We quickly over-schedule during the holidays and then wonder why the season feels more like a treadmill than a celebration.
3) Act from the Heart: Teach your children the significance of their affections by encouraging personalized, handmade gifts for their favorite friends and teachers Go one step further and have your children sort through their toys and offer items outgrown or less favored to local charities.
4) Entertain Early: Entertain early in the holiday season and be prepared ahead of time so you can handle last minute challenges such as this. Have your event before the season gets the best of you. Then you can enjoy the preparations to welcome loved ones to your home. By minimizing last minute party tasks, you will build in time to handle the unexpected bumps life always hands us. And if you have to reschedule the entire event, remember it is not the end of the world. We are always a Mom first and although sometimes messy, it is always an honor.
5) Be Tech Ready: Keep your camera and camcorder in top condition to capture the many colors and activities your family is sure to share.
6) Shopping Tips: Holiday Shopping Made Easy: Make your list and check it twice – Make a list of family and friends you typically exchange gifts with and add possible gift ideas throughout the year so you don’t forget when it comes time to shop; Personalize your gift — Getting a personalized gift that matches your friend or family member’s personality and interest is far more special; Beat the crowds — Have a shopping strategy in advance to avoid long lines. Decide what gifts to purchase in advance, shop earlier during the season and during off-peak hours, such as first thing in the morning or late in the evening. Of course, online shopping is the easiest way to avoid harried shoppers since you never have to leave your home and don’t have to wrap your own gifts; Season’s Greetings — Make sure your address book is updated throughout the year so you are not caught without the proper information as you prepare to send out season’s greetings.
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