Hi Hi!
With this pandemic creatives are working hard to survive. Thanks so much for continuing to support, it means much to me! I have been busy trying to not just survive but come up with fresh new programing for you to enjoy!
The next Secret Speakeasy theme is a new one. The Ladies of 16mm film! I compiled a wonderful collection of brilliant females on 16mm film from Marilyn to Tina Turner spanning movies to music!
Sun Aug 9th 7pm! All ages, Enjoy!
Scroll down for more of our interesting things like some amazing 16mm animation films, thanks soooo much for helping me keep the Museum going!
Want a private virtual Birthday surprise?
We have the world’s largest collection of Bday 45’s & 78’s & more! And we will play a 16mm short film just for you and guests and an unboxing and antiques of your choice!
Email: DennyDanielx@gmail.com to schedule or call 212.274.8757 (no text)
And you can do this even if it is Not your Birthday too, cause every day is your B-Day here!
Good News, the Museum has a shop now with images from our 16mm films on your very own interesting things
If you can support please do, we set up a Go Fund Me and could use the help right now.
or Paypal. anything between $1 and $10 or more if you are able
Upcoming shows:
Sun Aug 9th, 2020
7pm – 8:30pm all ages
The Ladies of 16mm Film Secret Speakeasy
details here
Sun Aug 14th, 2020
8pm – 9:30pm all ages
Old Time New York on 16mm Film
details here
Sun Aug 16th, 2020
7pm – 8:30pm all ages
Soundies Secret Speakeasy with WFMU
details here
Sun Aug 30th, 2020
7pm – 8:30pm all ages
Vaudeville Secret Speakeasy on 16mm Film
details on the museum website soon
Sun Sept 1st, 2020
6pm – 7:30pm all ages
Art of Vinyl design
details here
Thur Sept 3rd, 2020
7pm Suffragette City
New City Library
check their page
Wed Sept 9th, 2020 7pm
all ages, communication show
Longwood library
check their page
Mon Oct 5th, 2020 7pm
all ages, suffragette city
Longwood library
check their page
For more events and updates:
Teachers, Parents, libraries or just us Quarantined Humans, break up the monotony and email me for a live virtual show. Like the History of Invention, or history of Music, Science or Photography.
Check out our Instagram for some live thingies
Check out our Facebook for live thingies too
Also Check out our Youtube, & Twitter ! I place cool pics, our Unboxing vids, interesting videos and info there too
We have some great themes like
Eureka! The History of Invention,
The History of Communication,
The Windup Circus &
the 16mm Sing-A-Long and other 16mm festivals like music, jazz, Animation, Space and WW2, photography, the 3D VHS fest, also science, Suffragettes, WW2/cold war antiques and any era of history, and our new civil rights/black inventors show and even history of math and music exhibitions!
Dennydanielx@gmail.com 212 274 8757 no text
– Last but certainly not least…More More More New Things are below too!
Hope to catch ya sooooon!
212 274 8757