Despite news stories about the halting real estate market, the National Association of Realtors say that young people and single women buyers are growing by leaps and bounds… Listen to the intrview here: In her newest book, BUBBLE PROOF: Real Estate Strategies that Work in Any Market Tonja Demoff , who soared from flat-broke to having a multi-million dollar real estate empire in SIX MONTHS shares with readers how investing in real estate is the most important investment one can make. This book is about how to wisely buy a first home, and then use it as a stepladder to investment success. Tonya is available to provide her formula for success and profit in any market or financial situation, whether youre investing in your first or 50th house. BUBBLE PROOF proves that regardless of a housing bust, recession, or bear market on Wall Street or prosperous, exuberant times there is always money to be made in real estate. In thie Audio Interview, Tonja will dicuss: Ģ Dozens of ways millionaires think in a given situation and prosper-versus what the average person thinks and flounders. Ģ Scores of ways to structure and finance great real estate deals. Ģ How to know whether to seek a cash-producing property or a speculative deal. Ģ How to overcome the five excuses for not buying a home Ģ Why a multi-unit property is an ideal investment Ģ How real estate pays off and the benefits of property ownership Ģ How to think and act like a millionaire Ģ The meaning of success and how to achieve it Ģ Why setting your intention is vital to your growth Ģ How accountability and self-discipline lead to change Ģ How to honestly appraise yourself. Tonja Demoff is rich and successful and she believes everyone can be a millionaire just by doing a few things in a new way. Her passion and savvy have made her into one of Americas most successful realtors. And now shes teaching others how to make their first million. She has founded over 10 companies and along the way made millions while inspiring tens of thousands of people to take action, experience results, and live up to their true potential. Her personal story is truly moving: she went from being flat broke to having an estater worth several millions in just six months. As an entrepreneur in real estate and motivational speaking for the past 18 years, Tonja founded the Tonja Demoff Foundation, which actively funds programs for low-income homebuyers and under-writes numerous community projects. She is a sought-after lecturer, instructor, and consultant.