Relationship Expert Provides Simple Tips for putting the Spark Back into Your Relationship
No doubt about it, the economic downturn has definitely put a strain on most Americans pocketbooks, but according to a new survey, it is also having an effect on Americans personal relationships. While Americans seemingly value their partnerships with others, most arent going the extra mile to help keep the spark alive. In fact, 78 percent of adults surveyed said they now spend about the same or less time and effort maintaining their relationship with their significant other compared to before the economy turned.
Beyond the unions that Americans have with significant others, they also spend a large portion of their lives in relationships with valued objects, like their cars (900+ hours a year on average). Although the economic strain affects each of these relationships differently, the BP Renew Your Vows and Valves survey revealed that the strain with Americans significant others is similarly reflected in their relationships with their vehicles. Only one out of 10 survey respondents said they now spend more time maintaining their cars compared to before the economy turned, and similarly, a mere two out of 10 said they are spending more time on their personal relationships now than before the economy turned.
Relationship expert and psychotherapist, Dr. Robi Ludwig says that during tough financial times, consumers are prone to revisit their existing relationships and may discover that they have taken things for granted over time. To help Americans put the spark back into their valued relationships whether its with their significant others, vehicles, or both, Dr. Ludwig offers some simple tips to help keep them running younger for longer, such as:
– Significant others: Renew your vow to love your partner unconditionally, ditch the mobile devices every now and then, record important relationship-related dates in your calendar
– Beloved cars: Run your car through a neighborhood car wash once a week, use quality fuel, replenish fluids
INTERVIEW WITH: Dr. Robi Ludwig is a nationally known psychotherapist and award winning reporter. She also hosted two
seasons of TLC’s reality show, “One Week to Save Your Marriage.” Dr. Ludwig is a regular contributor to the Today Show,
GMTV – Britain’s number one Morning show, as well as CNN, Headline News, The Fox News Channel and Court TV where she
talks about psychological/lifestyle issues as well as the criminal mind. She also appears on national shows such as: E!, Regis and
Kelly, Oprah, The View, Bill O’Reilly, and Hannity and Colmes, helping audiences and guests alike to understand the
complexities of the human condition. For more information on Dr. Ludwig, please visit
This interview is courtesy of BP.