Each year over 3,000 athletes brave the waters of the mighty Hudson River before biking along Manhattan’s West Side highway. Finally, athletes put on their running shoes for a run through New York’s famed Central Park.
Schedule of Events
Friday, July 6th
12:00 PM – 8:00 PM The Aquaphor New York City Triathlon Sports and Fitness Expo, Hilton, NY, in the Rhinelander Gallery
12:00 PM – 7:00 PM Mandatory Age Group Briefings & Packet Pick-Up (every half hour; last briefing at 7:00 PM), Registration and Packet Pickup/ Hilton, NY
1:00 PM Aquaphor Diaper Derby, Hilton NY: 2nd Floor Promenade
6:30 – 7:15 PM Celebrate America Underwear Run Check-In, Central Park: Cherry Hill (registered runners only)
7:30 PM Celebrate America Underwear Run Start, Central Park: Cherry Hill (registered runners only)
Saturday, July 7th
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Animal Medical Center Doggy Dash Briefing & Packet Pickup, Hilton, NY – Regent Room
10:00 AM – 6:00 PM The Aquaphor New York City Triathlon Sports and Fitness Expo, Hilton, NY
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Mandatory Age Group Briefings & Packet Pickup, (every half hour, beginning on the half hour), Registration and Packet Pickup. The day’s last briefing begins at 5:00 pm. Hilton, NY
2:00 PM Mandatory Para-Tri Handlers Briefing, Hilton, NY- Regent Room
2:30 PM Mandatory Para-Tri Athlete Briefing, Hilton, NY- Regent Room
2:00 PM – 9:00 PM Mandatory Bike Check-in, Riverside Park & 79th Street Ball Field
2:30 PM – 5:30 PM RCN High-Speed Transition Tours, every half hour: Riverside Park & 79th Street
3:30 PM Swim Prep Briefing: Meet at the tent across from Swim Exit, just north of the 79th St. Marina
4:00 PM Mandatory Pro Briefing, Hilton, NY- Regent Room
Sunday, July 8th
3:45 AM – 5:30 AM Athlete Shuttles to Transition/ Hilton New York: Pickup on 54th between 6th&7th
4:00 AM – 5:15 AM Yellow Transition Area open for pre-race set-up: Riverside Park & 79th Street Ball Fields
4:00 AM – 5:40 AM Red Transition Area open for pre-race set-up: Riverside Park & 79th Street Ball Fields
5:15 AM- 7:00 AM Athlete Shuttles to Transition/ Hilton New York: Pickup on 54th between 6th & 7th
5:15 AM Yellow Transition Area Closes. All Athletes except relays must clear transition area.
5:40 AM Red Transition Area Closes.
5:50 AM Aquaphor New York City Triathlon Starts / Swim Start – 99th Street & Hudson River
7:30 AM Animal Medical Center Doggy Dash Start
8:00 AM – 1:00 PM JetBlue Finish Festival Celebration – awards, entertainment, food, and more / Central Park at Dead Road
10:00 AM Bike portion: Henry Hudson Bridge (northbound) cut-off time (enforced by Final Course Sweep Vehicle)
10:15 AM Bike portion: Gunhill Road turnaround cut-off time (enforced by Final Course Sweep Vehicle)
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM Transition area open for bike pick up. All athletes must remove their bikes from transition by 2:00 PM