Can you imagine being grateful for any of these things? Finally a book that transforms the human experience according to creator of the Thank God I series, John Castagnini. Thank God I, soon to be the largest inspirational book series since Chicken Soup for the Soul, unites a world-wide community of individuals to share personal stories of gratitude for their past adversities. Thousands of writers will reveal gut-wrenching accounts of how they transformed perceived crisis into blessings? added Castagnini. Contributing, NY Times best selling authors, writers John Demartini (The Secret), Janet Atwood (The Passion Test), and thousands of writers have already submitted stories to be part of the ongoing book series. The series has invited writers from all walks of life to connect with readers from around the world revealing accounts of gratitude for their past and present challenges, according to Lou Jasikoff marketing consultant to the Thank God I series. Castagnini concluded, Thank God I has a mission; to make one the largest contributions to the Spirit of humanity in centuries. By sharing compelling accounts of how personal adversities turned into triumphs, the series deems to transform lives through the healing powers of gratitude. Our collection of stories will resonate universal vibrations of healing the globe by delivering a strong message, that gratitude is the key to finding a better self on the other side of pain. Whats Your Story?