“The TIME is…NOW” is a full-length documentary feature film that focuses on ordinary people thrust into extraordinary events over which they have no control.The panel participating in the Q&A will address why some survive the worst horrors and what makes them rebound from tragedy.
The release of this motion picture is extremely timely, given the recent tragic terrorism in Kenya and many upcoming anniversaries of tragic events that have impacted the world.
Filmmaker Vishal and his crew were on a three-year journey of discovery around the world in making this film. “We learned that there are things we all have in common,” explained Vishal. “All of the people we interviewed never gave up. They knew there was always a glimmer of hope even in the depths of their misery. They refused to give in to despair.”
“The TIME is…NOW” relates compelling real-life stories of survivors of trauma filled with hope, courage and forgiveness, and their commitment to forgiveness and connection to a source higher than ourselves.
They include Brian and Stan, two survivors of the attack on the South Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City; Llabana, a survivor of the election violence in Kenya; Jo Berry, the daughter of murdered British Parliament member Sir Anthony Berry; Sherry and Seth, parents of a murdered child at an Israeli settlement in the West Bank; and others.
Dr. Judy Kuriansky, who provides insight and advice in the film, has served as a first responder to provide psychological aide after the 9/11 attacks and many other acts of terror and natural disasters worldwide, including those addressed in the film. On the faculty at Columbia University Teachers College, Dr. Judy points out lessons learned, including a new concept beyond the commonly known PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).
“After such tragic events as suffered by the people featured in the film, research and my own psychosocial aide experiences has proven the possibility not only of coping but of finding new strengths we call ‘post-traumatic growth’,” says Kuriansky, an NGO representative at the United Nations. “These include a new sense of connectedness, humanity, faith, forgiveness and purpose in life.”
Kuriansky further notes the significance of the film’s premier in New York, coinciding with the upcoming first anniversary in October of the tragic Superstorm Sandy. “Research and my own workshops show marker dates of such events trigger what’s called ‘anniversary reactions’ where emotions from that time are re-experienced,” explains Kuriansky. “Since these times provide a valuable opportunity for individuals and communities to heal, seeing this film now is inspirational.”
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EDITOR’S NOTE: For more about the film and showings in the U.S.A. visit www.thetimeisnowmovie.com. To speak with “The TIME is…NOW” film producer and director Vishal, or to interview Dr. Kuriansky, or to obtain more information about “The TIME is…NOW,” please contact Nancy Trent or Pamela Wadler at 212-966-0024 or pam@trentandcompany.com