Lessons from the U.S. Army Reserve
October is Energy Action Month. It’s the time of year when we turn our attention toward the importance of energy conservation and resiliency. The call to save energy can reach everyone this October, from Soldiers to civilian employees to families. The U.S. Army Reserve is leading that call because conservation advances their mission, protects communities and empowers Soldiers to charge ahead.
From the electricity that powers Army Reserve facilities, to the fuel that powers their vehicles, energy touches nearly every aspect of the Army Reserve’s mission. Conserving power can help protect our energy future.
However, we all face threats to our energy security; from increasing global demands to natural disasters, fluctuating fuel costs and innovative adversarial attacks like cyber weapons. Conservation helps ensure Soldiers have the energy they need, when and where they need it, to accomplish their missions – at home and abroad, now and in the future. The Army Reserve is also focused on prioritizing energy and water security requirements to ensure Soldiers always have available, reliable power and water to continuously sustain critical missions.
Energy Action Month is an opportunity for the Army Reserve Energy Program to help the public understand the important role everyone can play in energy conservation and resiliency and offer practical, smart energy tips that everyone can implement in their daily lives.
Simple ways for everyone to reduce their energy footprint include:
Weathering your home to eliminate air leaks and adding insulation
Replacing your incandescent light bulbs with energy efficient compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) or light emitting diodes (LEDs)
Creating a more energy efficient office by using natural light wherever possible
Powering down computer monitors at end of each day
Unplugging electronics that aren’t in use for extended periods and using power strips
Recycle packaging materials like paper and cardboard, as we continue to increase shipping supplies to our homes
COL Martin Naranjo, Director of Army Reserve Installation Management Directorate will be available to help your audience learn more about reducing their carbon footprint. COL Naranjo will also discuss the energy conservation innovations employed by the U.S. Army Reserve and how the public can similarly do their part to reduce energy waste.
Interview courtesy: U.S. Army Reserve
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