Are you planning your Chinese New Year Celebration?
The Chinese believe that “Sweeping the Grounds” or cleaning the house before welcoming the New Year will “sweep away the bad luck.”
A clean house also ensures that the Kitchen God (Zao Jun), guardian of the kitchen who watches over you all year, will go back to the heavens on New Years and give the other gods a good report on your prosperity, fortune, and health.
Cleaning should take place two days before New Years (January 31). Start with the kitchen where you will prepare your feast and gather with family.
Here are a few tips. Clean all surfaces, inside & out. This includes:
* Counters, Cabinets and Sink
* Refrigerator and Stove and other appliances
* Sweep/Vacuum the Floor
* Remove all food past its expiration date
* Remove all cups, glasses and dishes that are chipped.
By “sweeping” the house, we hope to welcome the New Year…the Year of the a clean environment.
- RESTORATIVE YOGA WORKSHOP: Saturday, 8:30-10:00 am. AYA Studio at The Wilshire Grand Hotel, 350 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange.
- THE SEVEN SPIRITUAL LAWS OF YOGA CLASS WITH TIBETAN SINGING BOWLS: Sunday from 10:30 – 11:30 am at MONDO, 426 Springfield Ave., Summit.
Tell your family and friends. Walk-Ins Welcome. Details
SAVE THE DATE Candlelight Yoga and Wine Celebration on February 22.
For more information call 973.731.9960 or
Lots of Love and Hugs,
Claire, Katharine and Beth