Good News Corporation, our nonprofit has never received government funding or asked for it, Good News did no become an NGO and receive money for being one.
Robert D. Hicks, PhD, former Director of the Mütter Museum in Philadelphia and author of WOUNDED FOR LIFE
It’s Thursday, November 21, 2024. This Monday (11/25) was once known as Evacuation Day, which marks the date in 1783 when the British Army departed from Manhattan after the end of the Revolutionary War. It was celebrated long into the 19th Century.
Mayor Adam’s Harlem Multifaith Borough Tour Today, Wednesday, October 30th . It promises to be a wonderful gathering where Commissioners and Mayor Adams will address your concerns
New Book Reveals, The Seven Tensions of Negotiation, The Importance of Using Tension for Successful Negotiation with Author, Professor and Attorney Cash Nickerson