Ratman vs. Bobin a CLASSIC film created in 1966 at Sleepy Hollow High School. Overseeing the production was Peter Smallman, Henry Steiner, a bunch of young determined classmates and teachers who all wanted to have fun and WE DID! The guiding principle stated below was how we lived back in those days and we were fortunate to have such a wonderful home to grow up in.
Paul Sladkus
At Sleepy Hollow High School we are guided by our district mission statement.
It is our mission to work with our community and business partners to maintain the highest standards of learning. Together we will provide students with the opportunity, knowledge and resources to meet our complex world.
We are governed by our guiding principles:
The Keys to Being Successful | |
For Students: | |
Be Here… | Every Class, Every Day |
Be Prepared… | To Do Your Best Work |
Be Respectful… | Of Self and Others |
Be Positive… | Think You Can, and You Will |
For Parents: | |
Be Involved… | Call and Visit Often |
About Our School
Located in southern Westchester county, approximately 20 miles north of New York City, and standing above the east bank of the Hudson River, Sleepy Hollow High School serves approximately 850 ethnically and socio-economically diverse students in grades 9 through 12 from the villages of Sleepy Hollow and Tarrytown.
We have become a community of choice for families who value our “snap shot” of the real world: Our community is a destination point for families immigrating from the Caribbean and Latin America, and home to families who have been in our villages for generations; families who can afford to send their children to any one of a number of private schools in the area, choose instead to have their children attend our public school. Collectively, these families created and provide continuous support for The Foundation for the Public Schools of the Tarrytowns, which raises hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to supplement our educational program.
In October 1957, Sleepy Hollow High School was the focus of an article “New buildings won’t educate your children” in Woman’s Day magazine. Although the 1957 physical plant was deemed “as handsome a high school as any in America,” the renovated curriculum was recognized as enabling our graduates to have “a better chance today than ever before to become all that they are capable of.” While our sprawling building on its scenic campus had been well maintained and consistently upgraded, it experienced many of the facilities restrictions of comparable structures built in the 1950s and has undergone major renovations and expansion over the last two years: One hundred thousand square feet of state-of-the-art science labs, art studios, a gymnasium that boasts a fitness center and dedicated wrestling room, an auditorium that seats 750 and provides professional quality sound and light engineering, a renovated and expanded Library Media Center, a cafeteria with a food court, wireless capability throughout the building, and more than 20 new classrooms now overlook the Hudson River. All pre-existing classrooms are refurbished, outfitted with Smartboards, and white boards have replaced 1957 black boards. What hasn’t changed since 1957 is the public and academic communities’ shared belief that there is “no substitute for a solid foundation” in education. Sleepy Hollow curriculum is continually examined and adjusted to meet or exceed best-practices.
In 2008, Sleepy Hollow was selected by the Magellan foundation to represent one of three exemplary New York State high schools to have programs and practices that lead to high graduation and low drop-out rates. Sleepy Hollow was among the top 40 from over 640 schools to reach benchmark graduation rate standards and was one of five exemplary high schools chosen for in-depth research, study, and visitation by the Magellan Foundation. In 2009, the United States Department of Education featured us on their website “Doing What Works” as one of five schools nationally identified as putting best practices in action to achieve graduation.
Our comprehensive high school programs are designed to meet the needs of each adolescent we serve. We build relationships with our students and their families that guide everyone through the stress and strife of adolescence. Thriving athletic and performing arts programs are complemented by an extensive extra curricular program. A new source of pride is our award winning student-produced Multimedia Production Team, recipient of Honorable Mention in the Adobe Max competition for professional international media developers; Sleepy Hollow’s team came in second to Homeland Security and NASA Space Center. In 2008, the team has produced over 14 hours of programming for our local educational channel 77; check it out at www.sleepyhollowhits.com.
We have established extensive partnerships with local colleges, corporations, and the community at large. Support from local historical and business resources has made our community an extension of our campus; students conduct research and participate in internships as an integral part of our academic program.
Our creativity and commitment has been acknowledged through consistently passed local school budgets, and the award of state, federal, and private foundation grants. Locally, smaller grants have provided funding for cultural trips for students, added instruments to our band and orchestra, audio equipment for our multimedia students, robotic kits for AP Physics students, a gardening component to our Life Skills curriculum for our most handicapped students, and provided a weather station for our Earth Science students.
We are proud of our students’ records of accomplishment. An impressive percentage of students from the Class of 2009—89%—continued their studies in higher education. In the recent past, our top students have matriculated at Emory, Wesleyan, Brown, Cornell, Georgetown, Northwestern, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton, USC, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Vassar, Stanford, Tufts, and Middlebury. We are equally proud of the many first generation graduates we send to local and community colleges. Annually, our students earn an impressive number of scholarship dollars, averaging in excess of $280,000 in each of the last five years.
A key factor to our success is the involvement of our parents in their children’s education; parents feel welcome at our school. Our PTSA sponsors Parent-to-Parent Nights. These events, offered in English and Spanish, enable parents to share strategies for raising a teenager. The PTSA, The Foundation, and our Sports and Performing Arts Boosters raise funds for our curricular and extra curricular programs. Our Parenting Center, located in the heart of the village, provides information about all district schools and a wide range of support for parents.
Sleepy Hollow is an exciting place for students and staff to work and learn together. If any school community can demonstrate that public education is alive and well, it is ours. Our school slogan, “Sleepy Hollow, Say it Proudly” sums up the collective commitment to our school.
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