Ray Korona Band at Peoples’ Voice Café
Community Church of NYUU
40 E. 35th St (bet Park & Madison)
NY, NY 10016
$15-18; member rates, etc.
Band members Barry Kornhauser, Ellen Davidson, Gina Tlamsa & Ray and piano virtuoso Rick Ulfik send you a big shout out invitation to the Ray Korona Band’s annual homecoming concert for friends and activists! This will be an evening of music that lifts spirits, empowers, talks back, laughs out loud and parties. Hear powerful new songs about the 99%, the 1% and what Robin Hood might do today, not to mention long term favorites like “Globalization Blues” and the band’s recent musical attack on fracking, a spoof on electronic voting machines, and love songs, too. All of this is produced with a big collection of acoustic instruments and a stack of vocal harmonies. And be prepared to be amazed and deeply moved by a consciousness-restoring guest set from poet-artist Lori Pirone. Bring any activist flyers you would like to share. Occupy the PVC and enjoy some great homemade pastries there!
There’s a facebook event for it here: