Here’s the link to Their event on Sunday, January 23, 2022 at 7 pm est.:
Good News speaks to Andrea Videlefsky about this most important organization and the projects that they are doing.
To watch the event on Sunday January 23, go to:
To watch their videos go to:
Click on 2022 program
That’s where the Livestream event will take place. Click on ONLINE EXHIBIT
And then click I AM HERE for the trailer for Ella’s movie.
Our Vision
The vision of Am Yisrael Chai is to eradicate all forms of bigotry and hatred in the world and contribute towards the creation of a more just world, through initiatives and events that create awareness and share lessons learned from the Holocaust and other humanitarian crises.
Our Mission
Am Yisrael Chai is a nonprofit global organization that delivers Holocaust Education and Genocide Awareness through signature projects and initiatives. Our core mission is to create awareness through action that ensures that lessons learned from the past prevent current and future instances of bigotry, prejudice, antisemitism, and genocide. Video
#holocaust #am #yisrael #chai #bigotry #hatred #world #andrea #videlefsky #organization #projects #daffodils #ella #here #vision #nonprofit #lessons #humanitarian #crises #daffodil