Professional rock paper scissors. What will they think of next? One of the oldest “sports” in world history is going national, and it promises fans hand-to-hand combat, big prizes and a national championship. We hope you’ll have some fun with the new USA Rock Paper Scissors League. And the new national RPS league handed out its national championship in April in Las Vegas. Thousand of “athletes” endured hand-cramps and drained digits for the chance to lay their hands on the grand prize of $50,000 dollars. USA RPS League co-commissioner Matti Leshem, tells us about the growing popularity of the historic “sport,” and the hand – eye coordination it takes to be a champion. Did you know that RPS has been around since before recorded history? Qualifying rounds are going on in more than 300 cities nationwide. The top 324 players will be on hand for the championship, but fans will even be able to watch the finals on national T-V. For more information about this unique and interesting kicker, go to the RPS website: .