Date: May 5th, 2012 1pm – dusk. Rain or Shine!
Losee Park: Tarrytown on the Hudson, just before you get to Sunset Cove/WI Boat Club
Cost: No charge, no frills…BYO food, chair, sunvisor. 2012 No guarantee we can come up with tent money. Build-a-Gut Deli will also have their truck there for fresh sandwich/beverage purchases.
Includes: Eddie McClain has volunteered his band and the speakers for Oldies CD’s for our listing/dancing on the green pleasure. And of course, the great pleasure of celebrating our lives together along the beautiful Hudson of our childhood!
It’s that easy….just come!!! A number of classes are due for a reunion….if you haven’t made formal plans, why not spare yourselves the trouble and use this day as your gathering. Please do get the word out. Time is short!