Listen to “Summertime Sends Seniors Tumbling – How to Prevent Dangerous Injury” on Spreaker.
With the height of summer in full swing, it’s now more important than ever that those 65+ are aware of the dangers that the extreme summer weather can pose.
While the warm weather allows for walks through the woods or even just a longer walk on a favorite paved trail, those activities can also include stumbling on unexpected rocks and through puddles, common when weather is humid and prone to bouts of rainfall.
Swimming can be quite slippery around the pool and wearing sandals can lead some people to trip more often – so these are other hot weather issues that can lead to falls.
Statistics from the CDC show that:
• About 36 million falls are reported among older adults each year—resulting in more than 32,000 deaths.
• Each year, about 3 million older adults are treated in emergency departments for a fall injury.
But older Americans should know that there are many practical measures they can take to avoid any falling injuries while still enjoying the physical benefits of being outdoors in summer.
Former dancer Amanda Rees draws on her extensive background in ballet, yoga and tai chi in order to develop a unique personalized, science-based program that can help reduce falls risks. The Bold Program includes customized researched-based exercises designed to improve balance, flexibility, and strength. The program is proven to reduce the incidence of falls by 46% and the exercises can all be done from the comfort of your home.
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